“Come for me, baby. Now.” My body clenched around him as something cold as ice spread through my body. This was it. I knew he was giving me his essence. It even felt like him. He was transformed, too. His hair had gone completely white, and his eyes were shining bright blue.
My body tightened as the cold spread throughout my entire body, but my climax took the edge off. I felt Nicholas spill into me as his essence filled me. He collapsed and hugged me close to him for what seemed like forever after we finished.
I noticed new things about him, too, like the white flecks in his blue eyes and the white strands scattered in his brown hair. The twins’ essences must have done something more than bring me back to life. I felt like I was buzzing with energy.
We were brought out of our half-sleepy state when Aiden knocked on the door. He smiled when he found us still in bed. “How do you feel, little one?”
“Alive.” I motioned for him to join us in bed.
I stayed between the twins for a long time. I told them the things I’d noticed, and they said it was because a part of me was in them. I would see them in a new light, and the edge would be taken off as my body got used to the essence.
I didn’t need Keir’s essence. I felt perfectly fine now with just the twin, even better than before. Maybe I was wrong about my feelings. I chewed on my lip as I came to the realization that Keir was not a part of my equation anymore.
“Something wrong?” Nicholas kissed my head. “I can feel your sadness.”
Was I sad about Keir? I didn’t think so, but maybe deep down, a tiny part of me was disappointed. “No. I’m fine. Just taking all of this in.”
He chuckled, and it sent a shiver down my spine. “We will be here for you every step of the way.”
“We couldn’t have you dying on us when we just got you,” Aiden teased.
I smiled. “I can’t believe it. I’m here in Hell, and I finally feel like Ibelong. I don’t know how to explain it, but this ishome.” I stopped talking as the tears flowed.
“Shhh.” Nicholas cupped my cheek and kissed my tears. “It makes sense. You were always meant to be here, Lilly. Thisisyour home.”
I smiled at my twin princes and gave them each a light kiss. As I was about to say something back, a loud crash sounded.What was that?
“Boys!” It was a man’s voice, but it was more than that. His voice was horrifying and angry, and it practically shook the flat. It was unlike anything I’d ever heard. “Get your asses in here, and bring your filthy human with you.”
I looked at the twins, hoping for some sort of explanation, but they were still looking at each other, their faces completely devoid of color.
My bedroom door swung open, and I was relieved to see Keir, but the fear on his face made my blood run cold.
Their father.
King of Hell.
He’d found out about me.
I was so dead.