If I couldn’t have him in the same way I had the twins, I would be okay with just having him around. Ididkeep asking him to uphold his promise and teach me how to defend myself, but he kept claiming to be busy. I couldn’t help but feel betrayed.
Aiden and Nicholas taught me a few moves, but I was usually too upset to do much with them. Plus, any form of touching me in any fashion usually led to sex.
The twins stuck to me like glue most days. They would entertain me with TV, stories of their childhood, demon-watching from their balcony, or sex. Thankfully, they took turns with me rather than trying to fuck me at the same time again. I still felt sore just thinking about it.
I’d learned that the twins loved to have me helpless during sex. Oftentimes, I was tied up in some fashion. Sometimes, I was tied to various pieces of furniture; other times, my hands were tied to themselves or my ankles.
Sex with them was a blend of pain and pleasure, and I was here for it. I’d never experienced anything so dynamic in my life. I would never admit it to them, but they really did own me.All of me.
The twins had their own rooms, but we used those primarily for fucking. My room was where we landed every night. By the second night, there was a much bigger bed in my room.
Being with the guys constantly also allowed me the chance to observe them. They were brothers, but the differences between them were huge. Aiden and Nicholas dideverythingtogether, even me, but Keir tended to stick to himself. Aiden and Nicholas were a little less tidy, Aiden moreso, but Keir was a neat freak. Aiden and Nicholas liked to wear relaxed clothes, such as jeans and T-shirts or even sweatpants, but Keir wasalwaysdressed in all black, usually a button-up and dress pants. It was almost entertaining how different they were.
For once, I wasn’t afraid of being thrown out on the streets or being woken up by my frantic mother searching for money. I wondered if she got herself out of those binds. Maybe she died tied up in that chair. I didn’t feel anything at the thought of her dying. She had abandoned me a long time ago, and now, I was somewhere safe, where I was wanted. I belonged here way more than I ever belonged there.
Missing Katie was the hardest, but I kept reminding myself she was safe now. I hoped she and Matthew were exploring things. She deserved to be happy.
Every day was the same here, but I was okay with that. I was happy and safe, and thanks to the overprotective and ridiculously possessive twins, I didn’t have a care in the world.
One morning, after going two rounds with each, I found myself in the bathroom throwing up. The sex had been amazing, but I had a skull-splitting headache that had been getting worse over the past few days.
“Lilly, are you okay? What’s going on?” Aiden and Nicholas asked me through the locked door. I didn’t want them to see me like this.
“I’m fine, just not feeling good.” Was I getting sick? I was feeling feverish now that I was thinking about it. I’d been feeling achy, but I thought it was the ramped-up energy the guys and I had found in the bedroom lately.
“Let us in, little one. Let us take care of you.” Was Aiden crazy? He didnotwant to be in here with me throwing up. That was gross.
“No way. I think I’m just sick. I don’t want you guys to see me like this.” My thoughts raced, thinking about what could have been wrong with me. “Oh shit,” I shouted.
“Lilly? Are you okay? What happened? Let us in!” the twins yelled through the door.
I heard a noise at the door and looked just in time to see the knob freeze and shatter. Nicholas opened the door and took in the sight of me on my knees, my head hovering over the toilet. “Oh, Lilly.”
Tears were spilling down my cheeks. “I forgot about birth control…”
The twins looked confused. “What?” they asked in unison.
“Birth control…to keep me from getting pregnant,” I clarified, kind of shocked they hadn’t heard of it. Aiden smiled, and the sight irritated me. “Why are you smiling? This isnot good.”
“Lilly, we can’t get you pregnant,” Nicholas answered.
I know the look I gave them was both dirty and confused. “What do you mean? How can you not get me pregnant?”
“It’s just not possible,” he continued. “Down here kids aren’tthatcommon. Only destined loves can have kids.”
“Destined loves?” I inquired, but before I could get any answers I was vomiting profusely again.
“Fuck, Lilly is this normal?” Aiden asked.
At the same time Nicholas asked, “What do we do?”
I couldn’t answer either of them, only shake my head. This wasnotnormal.
The retching didn’t stop for several minutes, my body wanting to give out and slink to the floor by the time it was done. I feltawful, a level of sick I’d never felt in my life.
The twins sat on the floor with me, holding my hair, rubbing my back, and wiping me off with a cool cloth. I thought I would hate them being near me, but it felt so nice to have them fuss over me for a real reason.
I started to stand, but my knees buckled, sending me crashing to the floor.