Me:She’s here in Eureka Springs. Care to remind me what that cryptic message said? The one you guys couldn’t figure out?
Seconds later, my phone chimed with an image of the backside of a postcard, covered with scrawl from a shaky hand. I assumed as much since the words wavered just enough.
Tapping two fingers against my phone’s screen, I enlarged the picture for a better look at the message. I read the words aloud, as though they’d make more sense that way.
“I wanted you to know I’m okay, but I’ve had to bow out of the group. The springs are full of youth, something I no longer have.”
The springs are full of youth? No way.
Eureka Springs?
She couldn’t be talking about the spring here. The Balm of Life.
“Dude,” I muttered, my thumbs tapping on the screen.
Me:She was giving them a hint. About where she was going.
Maddox:What kind of hint?
Me:The spring here that people used to think had healing properties, remember?
He was from Eureka Springs, too. We’d grown up here. Gone to school together here.
Maddox:I can’t believe I never thought of that. Why be all mysterious, though? Why not just say she’s going to Eureka Springs? What does she have to hide?
“Excellent question,” I muttered, crossing one leg over the other and resting my ankle on my knee. I stared at the dresser across from my bed, thinking of the mysterious notes I’d received that were currently tucked away in the top drawer.
My brain traipsed over possibilities, but I came up with nothing. If Eudora had wanted to remain hidden, she would never have met with me when I came to inquire about the house.
Then again, she’d said she didn’t know it was me. Was that true?
I’d been suspicious about her reasons for allowing me to come to her house—more so, for not informing me that she was the one I’d be meeting with.
I didn’t believe for a second that she hadn’t known it was me.
What reasons did she have for the secrecy? Especially when she’d all but dropped off the face of the earth—according to her friends, anyway.
Had she met with me to warn me about Rosabel?
How much did she know about what was going on?
That seemed so pointless. Of course, I would know how much danger Rosabel was in because of me. She’d warned me herself. Why? What was she up to?
Me:I’m not sure what’s going on, but I might need to pay her another visit. Without Rosabel there this time.
I hated the notion of going anywhere without her. It was stupid, but I didn’t want to let her out of my sight.
But I needed all the stops pulled. I needed nothing in the way of a conversation that very much needed to take place. Rosabel was confused enough already as it was. I didn’t want Eudora to say anything about my feelings or The Pact around her this time.
She’d have to leave me. She’d have to go. Why did that thought make me feel as though my lungs were no longer in my chest?
Maddox:You shouldn’t go alone.
Me:What’s some old lady going to do to me?
The thought was laughable.
Maddox:It’s just not a good idea. I could fly out there.