But still, the ring he’d given me was a nice gesture. He’d told me it was for good luck, fortune, and protection from harm.

“Have you ever consideredactuallyhappily settling down with someone you care about?”

Like what had happened earlier in his office, something flashed across his eyes. Something impassioned and insistent, something sweet and softening, and it happened so fast I nearly missed it because he quickly quipped, “When have I ever met anyone like that?”

He gritted his jaw, as though the question bothered him.

For some reason, that soothed me. Any time he mentioned having an interest in me, it got my back up. Someone as controlling and manipulative as he was would never make a good boyfriend or husband.

I already knew that fact. I mean, look how things had gone with Pete.

I wasn’t about to learn it the hard way with Duncan.

“I’ll cover all your dad’s medical bills,” he said. “We’ll get him a facility, somewhere reliable where he can be comfortable and well looked after. Or, we’ll hire care to stay here with him at all hours if need be. It’s all done. No worries. No strings attached.”

“No strings?”

He rubbed his jaw and peered over his shoulder before leaning in. “Well, just one. Come to Arkansas with me. Wear my ring, pretend you like me. Lay low and get through my grandma’s birthday party. Then you can come back and makemy coffee every day like you do. Or spill it on me, as the case may be.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not coming back just to make your coffee.”

“Whatever,” he said. “You know what I mean.”

The offer was tempting, only as far as having Dad cared for so I could see to his expenses and needs. In no way did Duncan appeal to me otherwise—not with his hazel eyes being so attentive, or the swoosh of hair above his forehead, or the way his confident bearing spiked my blood.


I thought of Havisham Assisted Living, the care center I’d been looking into for Dad. Of not having to worry if Sarah had fallen asleep or lost track of Dad again. In Arkansas, I’d have time to research freelance editing and find clientele, or I could even set up a website. I could even take that spot in the philharmonic when I got back to Westville.

The bills. The worries. This could be the answer I needed to get my feet on the ground.

But I refused to agree to anything unless Duncan made a few changes first.

“I will consider your offer, Mr. Hawthorne.”

“I—what? What do you mean, consider?”

He’d thought I’d just give in?

Duncan Hawthorne was too used to getting everything he wanted. He needed to accept a few demands of my own.

“I mean,consider,” I said. “I’m thinking about it before I give you a decision. I’ll get back to you tonight. Tomorrow, at the latest.”

I made for the door.

“Our flight leaves tomorrow morning,” he said from behind me. “You have to be on it with me. I’m not leaving without you.”

I lifted a finger and spoke over my shoulder. “Correction.Yourflight leaves tomorrow. Whether or not I’m also on it is yet to be decided.”

Duncan’s voice rose in pitch. “Come on, what’s it going to take? You want flowers? Oh, I know. I’ll take you to that new bookstore across town. You can pick anything you want.”

While the offer tempted me because the wordbookstorewas more alluring than chocolate cake, I lowered my head and shook it. I was no pushover, and if he thought I was, he really was clueless.

Deliberately, I rotated to face him once more.

He snapped the ring box in his hand closed. Confusion wrinkled his brow. I almost pitied the expression.
