Page 70 of Cruel Bet

I expected that Dimitri would use his preferred extraction method, explosives. Messy, loud, and distracting, they’re not always the best option, but for this kind of mission where there are lots of men to take out and draw away from one point, it’s the perfect tactic. Especially since he knows we’ve already secured Mads.

Adelina and her men turn toward the noise, startled. She glances back at me, a look of understanding and begrudging respect cross her face.

“I assume you brought reinforcements then. Bold of you. I didn’t think you’d risk your only child’s life by being so reckless. I guess the rumors about you are true, you are a heartless bastard who will do whatever it takes to keep his business strong. Will you call them off and ally with me?” she asks.

I’m amazed at her brazen confidence, that she still thinks I’d consider allying with her.

“I don’t respond well to threats or demands,” I reply coolly.

I’m pissed off by the insinuation that I’d risk Arianna and Mads’ lives. The team was under express command to stay out of sight unless I hit the button in my pocket. This was the signal that Mads was safe and they could advance to extract us. Thankfully, I discussed this all with Arianna so she’s looking relieved that this will all be over soon. Behind that relief, I can tell she’s still confused and hurt by her sister’s revelations and trying to wrap her head around them.

Adelina nods and lets out a theatrical sigh. “Well, that is disappointing. But at least now we can have some fun,” she laughs, a chilling noise devoid of any true mirth. “You two, go help the others,” she orders her men.

The two guards obey, leaving only two remaining. I’m surprised she’s made the same choice as her father, albeit with one extra man. Two is still not enough. Not when Adelina made the mistake of allowing me to remain armed. I’m grateful that Arianna seems to know what I need without me trying to convey it to her. She starts to talk, creating a distraction.

“Adelina, stop this madness!” she cries loudly. “This isn’t you. Father and Di Stefano must have brainwashed you. Please, tell your men to stand down before it’s too late.”

I can tell from her voice that this is a performance, nothing more. I know mykukolkahas already hardened her heart against her sister, that she’s being a brave mother bear protecting her cub in the best way she knows how. Thankfully, Adelina is so confident in her position and in her belief that Arianna is weak, that she doesn’t see her sister’s words for the ruse they are.

She steps closer toward Arianna, who moves back, drawing her nearer. In her arms, Mads is wailing, scared andconfused by the sounds of fighting outside the door and no doubt sensing her mother’s distress. Adelina and one of the men focus solely on Arianna and Mads. Then, the other guard makes a fatal error when a loud crash outside the door causes his eyes to dart briefly away from me. I take the shot and he collapses, dead on impact.

I manage to duck out of the way of the incoming bullet from the remaining thug. Before either of us can fire again, Adelina speaks up.

“Oh for goodness sake boys, can’t the girls chat, without you getting up to mischief?” she scolds. “Nikolai, kick the gun over here like a good boy. I’ve got a gun pointed at Arianna’s head. We wouldn’t want to blow her pretty brains out now, would we?” she says sweetly.

Left with no other choice, I obey, throwing the gun out of reach and stepping out from my cover. Arianna looks at me with fear in her eyes, but underneath it there’s trust. She still believes I can get us out of this. That I’m her savior. I wish I could feel the same, but right now, it’s all on the others to get us out of this. I just hope they’re quick enough. Adelina is unhinged and likely to decide to kill Arianna just for the fun of it.

“Please, they’re no threat to you. You don’t need to point the gun at them, point it at me. I’m the dangerous one.”

She considers my words. Sensing that my logic is right, that out of us I’m the biggest threat, she points the gun at me. My heart rate slows, relieved that she listened to me. I’m not surprised that someone like Adelina wouldn’t understand how I would be willing to die for my family. She thinks that I won’t move against her if it means getting shot. She’s wrong.

The only other obstacle now is the goon by the door.

“Order your men outside to stand down,” Adelina demands.

“I have no way of contacting them, your men took our phones as well as our weapons when we arrived,” I reply truthfully.

“Luckily, I have a speaker system installed. I’ll just click this button here, and then you can be heard throughout the compound,” she says proudly, holding up the comms controller with her free hand, the gun still trained on me.

For all her proclamations that her father was stupid and how smart she is, she’s being really fucking dumb right now. I allow her to dig her own grave.

She clicks the button, speaking into the comm. I can’t hear the speakers outside, which suggests to me the room is bullet and soundproof to a certain extent.

“Kuzmin Bratva, this is Adelina Di Stefano. I am here with your boss, Arianna, and his baby. He is unharmed and wishes for you to stand down. If you do not, I will kill him.”

She throws the comms to me, and I catch it with ease. “Tell them,” she demands.

“This is your Pakhan. What she says is true. We are in the basement in a secure room with only one exit. There is no way for you to get in, the door is bulletproof and guarded. We are unarmed and they have two guns on us.”

I relay this information, hoping that my team will read between the lines and use it to advance accordingly rather than stand down. They know where we are now, how many guards, and how to get in. Adelina’s confidence has blinded her, as she does not seem to think that my telling them our situation couldbe anything other than a warning of why they shouldn’t come. The sounds of gunfire cease, and she nods, satisfied.

I just hope they have already taken down enough men and that the rest can be done silently to not arouse further suspicion from Adelina.

“Well, now that’s been dealt with, shall we discuss business?” Adelina says casually, as though we’re having a normal chat rather than a battle. “Father pretty much summed up my demands. Are we agreed?”

Arianna looks at me in horror, she doesn’t realize my plan, she thinks I’m giving in.

“What about Mads?” she asks, panicked.