Page 23 of Cruel Bet

“Sorry to interrupt your little party but we’ve got business to attend to. Shouldn’t you two be patrolling the grounds?” I snarl at Mikhail and Lev, a little harsher than intended but right now it’s better than beating this shit out of them which is what I want to do.

“Sorry, Pakhan, it’s my fault. I convinced them to join us, just for one,” Kimiko pipes up.

As the elder of the two, Lev should know better. He’s been with me long enough. His averted gaze and shamefaced look tell me he’s preparing himself for punishment.

“We’re under threat. Lucchese knew that we have Arianna and made an attempt on my life. This means it’s likely De Luca and Di Stefano know too and could be planning an attack at any moment. Two fewer men outside than there should be is a vulnerability we can’t afford. The only reason you’re still standing right now is the fact that you’d be no use to me half-beaten to death. Do I make myself clear?” I hiss icily.

“Yes, sir,” Mikhail squeaks.

“Thank you, Pakhan, it won’t happen again,” Lev says before they both quickly hightail out of there.

The other three exchange guilty looks.

“Endo, as head of security, this falls on you, too. I know it’s been a year since you and Kimiko have seen each other, but now is not the time to let down our guards,” I scowl at him.

“Sorry, Pakhan,” Endo says, the fact he doesn’t have a pithy comeback or call me boss lets me know he’s contrite.

I decide to let the matter drop. We have other more important things to worry about. On the plus side, catching them in trouble means I’ve mercifully dodged having to fend off a barrage of questions about Arianna. No doubt they heard what just happened and the last thing I want to talk about is my sex life.

Usually, Endo would tease, Dimitri would remind me of how I need to get married soon, and Kimiko would try to play matchmaker, so all in all, I’m not as furious as I could be. But I won’t let them know that. Right now, it’s their Pakhan, not Nikolai, they need to talk to.

“Kimiko, how was your trip, I trust things went according to plan?” I ask.

“Yes, all good. The team in Japan is conducting the final round of clinical trials, the new product should be good to go in a few months. The Russians will then handle distribution throughout Europe. The US shipments will go via Mexico to be smuggled in over the border,” she confirms.

“And the Cartel are happy with the arrangement? I don’t want them backing out or getting greedy on us,” I ask.

The Garcia Cartel is notoriously tight about sharing with others. The deal is an innovative and dangerous one that could make us all very rich or blow up in our faces. Our team in Japan has been making a synthetic product that when cut with most street drugs improves the high and the addictiveness while making the product safer. Most drugs are cut with all kinds of things to keep costs down but can have deadly effects.

A drug that feels better, and more addictive, but doesn’t kill their customers so they can keep buying is every drug lord's dream. Rather than trying to go against the biggest, most ruthless drug suppliers in the world, we’ve decided to team up and share the wealth. Though sharing isn’t something criminal underworld bosses are known for.

“Yes, they know that, without us, they wouldn’t have the link with the Yakuza or the Bratva and then the whole thing falls apart. Though there were some… stipulations,” Kimiko says hesitantly.

“What kind of stipulations?” All three of us ask her in unison.

“Marriages, to secure the alliance. The Sato Yakuza, Garcia Cartel, and Petrov Bratva all have daughters they have offered,” she says, calmly taking a sip of sake like she hasn’t just dropped a huge bombshell.

“Well, who the fuck do they expect to marry them?” Endo asks in amazement. “There’s only Nikolai and Dimitri left in the Kuzmin family here, and they can’t very well marry a relative in Russia. So that leaves one bride without a groom.”

“As adopted members of the family, and heirs to the former Tanaka Yakuza, they felt that you and I are both in strongpositions to marry to secure the alliance. Plus, the Petrov Bratva are relatives by marriage, not blood,” Kimiko points out.

“Great, so I have to marry someone too?” Endo grumbles.

“No. At least not yet. I have secured our alliance with the Garcia Cartel, which is the main one we need to worry about since we have no family ties with them. My wedding is in a month. The rest are willing to wait and for meetings between suitors to happen first before any arrangements are made.”

We sit gawping at Kimiko, trying to process what we’ve just heard. Again, Endo is the one to ask what we’re all thinking.

“So, let me get this straight, the head of the Garcia Cartel is happy foryouto marry his daughter?”

“Don’t be absurd, he’s more homophobic than a closeted politician. No, I’m marrying his son, Juan,” she says.

“But you’re you know…” Dimitri chimes in.

“A lesbian?” Kimiko asks, raising an amused eyebrow at Dimitri’s uncertainty about the correct terminology. “Yes, but thankfully, Juan is also gay. This will be a marriage of convenience on both sides. We get along well. For the most part, we’ll barely see each other, though we will be expected to produce an heir, of course.”

“Kimiko, you don’t have to do this,” I say, concern knotting my brow as I think about how the hell we are going to get out of this without making an enemy.

“No, I don’t. I want to. And besides, the deal is done,” she says determinedly.