I glanced at him. He gave me an almost imperceptible nod. Beneath the cover of the long tablecloth, I stepped out of one high heel and then the other. I pushed them out of way with my feet and inhaled a leveling breath.
My voice was but a faint trail. “My sisters are…”
“Yes?” My uncle planted his hands on the table and leaned over. “Speak up, dear.”
“My sisters are in…” I whispered an inaudible name.
“What did you say?” he leaned even closer.
I struck.
Chapter Thirty-eight
I’d been almost ready when the universe decelerated to show me the terrifying, slow-mo version of Athena, pouncing on Arthur like the righteous goddess with whom she shared her name. As I cut through the last of the plastic, she jumped to her feet. Her fist rose high in the air. A flash of steel flickered between her fingers.
Hustle, Marine.
Tracking the distant sounds of the rounds still echoing in the night, I worked the dagger in my hand frantically across the cuffs. Everything I loved, everything I treasured was on the line at this very second.
Thena’s arm hammered down at full speed. Putting all her strength into the blow, she slammed the steak knife into Arthur’s hand. She struck so hard that the blade pinned Arthur’s hand to the table.
Arthur shrieked like a dying hyena. Blood spurted in a little fountain from the top of his hand. Thena had hit one of the palmar arteries. Not lethal, but painful. Embedded deep in his flesh, the knife got stuck between his bones. He couldn’t shake it off.
I yanked my wrists apart.Snap. The last of the plastic gave way. My hands were free at last. The concealed dagger I’d been able to retrieve from my cane had done the job. I’d managed to keep my grip on it during and after the torturing jolts.
Crack, crack, crack.
Shaw braced six feet ahead of me, firing at the head of the table where Thena had been standing a second ago. Only she wasn’t there. Instead, she’d dodged behind the table. I leaped up from the ground, and wrapping my arms around Shaw’s legs,tackled him.
I took him by surprise. His chin cracked against the floor and his carbine flew out of his hands. Reaching up, I grabbed him by the back of his tactical vest, turned him over with a slam, and straddled him. Quick as a viper, he reached for my weapon. His vise closed around my right wrist, but I refused to give up my dagger.
As we wrestled for the knife, I swiped my other hand. My knuckles hit the red remote. The blow unclipped it from his vest. The deadly little box flew in the air, hit against the wall, and clattered on the wooden parquet. Pressing my left hand to Shaw’s throat, I pinned him in place and lifted my dagger in the air to deliver a final blow. Arthur’s roar made me glance up.
On the other side of the room, I caught a glimpse of Thena in motion. As she ran, she grabbed the cameo and yanked on the chain. It didn’t budge. She jerked it up and over her head, and holding the cameo in her fist, sped toward the French doors. She yanked the heavy drapes aside and attacked the lock.
My gaze flew to Arthur. He now stood at a safe distance from her. He pulled the steak knife from his flesh, raised his bloody hand, and ducking down for his own protection, pointed the ring at Thena.
“Die, bitch,” he roared as he flicked the head of the ring open.
Bracing on Shaw’s vest, I reared up and planted myself on my knees. Squaring my shoulders with my target, I locked my wrist, tucked in my elbow, and threw my dagger.
It flew through the air, turning in perfect circles, blade, handle, blade, handle…
“Watch out!” Shaw warned.
Arthur turned toward us.
Plunk. The blade sank into his shoulder. Not the lethal hitI’d aimed for, but it went deep. Lurching forward, he cried out. His right arm dropped to his side, useless, at least for a moment.
By then, Thena had thrown open the French doors. The evening’s cold air blew into the room like an omen of death. An irate Arthur propped his limp arm on the table and aimed it at Thena again.
I landed a blow on Shaw’s face and leaped to my feet. I lunged across the room to tackle Arthur. Grabbing the hilt of my dagger, I wrenched it out of him. Blood spurted from his wound. I went to strike again, but a jolt hit me.