Sure, he had been rather keen to get out of the water as quickly as he could at the time, but that didn’t change the fact that the man was all kinds of hot. And the way he was so grumpy justdidsomething to Arlo that he couldn’t ignore.
As he walked, Arlo felt his mind race at the idea that the man might have swum over toward him and taken him in his powerful embrace. And as Arlo recalled the way his Speedos emphasized his powerful legs, Arlo felt himself go all tingly down below too. He might have been all dry and out of the water, but suddenly Arlo was feeling all exposed and fully-aware that there was a prominent tent forming at front of his shorts.
‘Come on, head in the game,’ Arlo chuckled, locating the oak tree that he had marked with a red ribbon just in case he got lost on his way back. ‘Yup, we’re nearly there.’
However as he passed the tree and walked into the small clearing, Arlo let out a loud scream…
‘OMG, no, no, no, no,’ Arlo said, his heart thumping and a look of sheer panic in his eyes. ‘This can’t be right.’
Arlo looked on at the sight of his tent, torn to shreds and his stuff scattered across the patch of rough ground nearby. This didn’t make any sense. Who, or what would have done this? Was it some local kids playing a prank on him? Or maybe it was a dangerous loner in the woods looking to scare an innocent young boy.
Suddenly, Arlo regretted his scream very much.
Because while it might have been a scary loner, it might also have been… a bear.
‘Okay, t-t-t-t-think,’ Arlo whispered, doing his utmost to collect himself and return his heartrate to something approaching normal. ‘Don’t panic. Focus. Think of a plan and execute it.’
Arlo could sense his military training coming back to guide him through this moment. His camp might have been trashed and his tent was clearly in tatters, but Arlo was determined to work something out. He might have been flustered by a gruff, handsome stranger a few moments ago, but what he was facing now was a genuine problem – and one that he knew he had to resolve ASAP.
‘Okay, let’s pack what I can and-’
But before Arlo could even get started on salvaging what remained of his stuff, he heard a rustling coming from behind him. It could have been whoever did this coming back to taunt him, or even worse… it could be a big, hungry bear looking for the human snack he missed out on during his first visit.
Whatever it was, Arlo knew that he had to act and act fast.
Arlo scampered to his left and began climbing up a nearby tree as the rustling got closer and closer…
Chapter 4
As an eagle seemed to momentarily hover in the sky before diving at breakneck speed, Axel watched with a look of wonder on his face. He felt privileged to live in the kind of place where the nature was so spectacular and abundant.
Despite Jackson’s no-show, Axel was still happy to be out walking amongst the wildlife and taking in the breathtaking views. And it wasn’t as if he was totally alone either. With Laser tearing around the terrain like a dog on a mission, Axel still had enough company to keep him going.
The eastern ridge of Eagle Range was a fairly tricky climb in parts, and Axel would never recommend anyone but the most confident climber take it on alone. But between him and Laser, there would be no problems.
And despite his calves feeling the steep inclines, Axel knew that it would all be worth it once they hit the peak and then made the descent down toward Eagle Falls.
‘Laser, we’re two lucky sonsofbitches,’ Axel declared, taking a moment to drink in the view.
But as much as Axel appreciated that cinematic panorama in front of him, Laser seemed far more concerned about discovering whether there were any rabbits this far up the mountain.
‘Hmmm. You’ve never been one for taking it slowly,’ Axel laughed. ‘I guess that’s why I named you Laser.’
It was at moments like this that Axel could see the benefit of having a Little in his life. His former boy was never especially interested in hiking though, and it was only through shared hikes with friends that Axel had got to experience moments like this.
Just me, a boy, and Laser.
Up on a mountain peak.
Damn. I can’t deny how good that would feel…
Briefly, Axel felt a pang of regret at how his previous relationship ended. Of course, it was his ex who had cheated on him, but Axel also could see with hindsight that perhaps they were never meant to go the distance together. Too many differences. Not enough common ground. It was a tale as old as time. Although he couldn’t accept that his ex had been unfaithful, Axel was beginning to wonder whether that was simply his former boy’s way of sabotaging a relationship that was always likely to end in a parting of the ways.
Axel was a stubborn and determined man. He didn’t like to give up or lose. And it was maybe this side of his personalitythat had kept his former relationship going for as long as it had – even when the most obvious cracks had started to show.
‘Fuck. Not me getting all philosophical on top of a mountain,’ Axel chuckled wryly. ‘I think it’s time I got my ass in some cold water. Nothing beats an icy dip to clear the mind. Laser! Let’s move!’