Page 4 of Axel

As far as Jackson was concerned, his business life was too hectic to even contemplate looking for a boy to settle down with at this stage. It wasn’t like he was living a life of celibacy or anything, but as far as finding his Forever love, he knew that this was something that would probably have to wait at least a few years.

For Axel though, the very thought of being in a relationship was something that made him shudder. It wasn’t that Axel didn’t want a boy to protect, have fun with, and even discipline too. That side of being a Daddy was something that Axel could very easily get his head around. However, the thought of placing his trust in a young man was one barrier that Axel simply couldn’t get past.

Axel had a scar on his calf that was a result of a near-catastrophic accident with a chainsaw some years ago. But there was another scar that Axel had too. Except this kind of scar was on the inside. Coming up on three years ago, Axel had been very happily in a relationship with a boy who hethought was going to be his forever. Sadly though, things hadn’t worked out anything like Axel had banked on.

But that was in the past.

Right now, all Axel wanted to do was shoot the shit with his Daddy buddy Jackson. And much to Axel’s pleasure, Jackson was very keen on the pair of them taking a hike up one of the peaks that surrounded Eagle Ridge…

‘I’m thinking we hit the trail and then descend into Sunset Forest,’ Jackson said, his broad shoulders and powerful thighs very much on show in his training vest and shorts. ‘Maybe loop back afterward and really set our calves and quads on fire.’

‘Sounds like a plan’ Axel said. ‘But don’t come crying to me when I’m powering ahead on that return trail up Chasm Creek.’

‘Pffft. As if!’ Jackson laughed, playfully punching Axel in the arm. ‘We’ll hike, swim, hike some more, and then hit The Tap House. Deal?’

‘Deal,’ Axel said. ‘Now as fun as this is, I need to get back to the truck and put all this planning onto paper for real. Saving trees ain’t easy.’

‘I don’t doubt that for a second,’ Jackson replied. ‘Catch you later, brother.’

With that, Jackson walked back up the immaculate lawned grass toward the McPherson house. Axel called Laser and together the two of them walked back to his truck that was parked at the rear entrance gates.

As Axel sat in the driver’s seat, he watched Laser make himself comfortable in the rear. Laser was six years old but it felt like the two of them had been together forever. Laser’s unwavering loyalty and unquestioning love filled Axel’s heart with joy.

Damn, I’m one lucky sonofabitch to have a dog like Laser.

It’s just a shame not all boys are so loyal.

Fuck. Don’t even think about it.

Axel shook his head and put any thought about cheating boys as far out of his mind as possible. It might have been three years ago, but Axel would still sometimes find himself thinking about the boy who betrayed him in the worst way. Axel knew that it wasn’t good to dwell on things, especially things that had already happened and couldn’t be changed.

‘Screw it, I’ve got you,’ Axel laughed, brining himself out of his funk as he rummaged in his bag and passed a handful of crunchy biscuits back to Laser. ‘I’ve got you, the great outdoors, and some solid as a rock friends too. Who needs a damn Little to spoil all that?’

Speaking of Daddy friends, it was time for Axel to put his truck into gear and haul his ass into town. There was a pot of black coffee and a pancake stack with his name on it – and if Axel left it any longer, he knew that Kipp and Max would probably make light work of it all…

The Hot Plate was full of its usual hustle and bustle assatisfied customers crank their coffee and chomped down on the wholesome food on offer.

As far as Axel was concerned, he had worked up an appetite that morning that would need more than a simple serving of pancakes to cover it.

‘Pancakes and a side of scrambled eggs please,’ Axel said, nodding at Marshall as he fired back a customary wink. ‘And make that a double serving of eggs if you don’t mind.’

Axel smiled and walked over toward the corner booth where Max and Kipp had already taken their seats and were knocking back the coffee and pancakes like there was no tomorrow.

‘So… how are the ranch renovations coming along?’ Axel asked, fist-bumping his two closest Daddy friends.

‘Funny you should mention that,’ Kipp replied. ‘We were just saying that I could do with some extra help this weekend. That’s if you’re not too busy saving a local oak tree or planting some new hedge rows.’

‘Hmmm. Very funny,’ Axel said, rolling his eyes. ‘But, yeah, I’d love to help.’

Axel loved the fact that Kipp was converting his uncle’s run down old ranch into a place where Daddies and Littles could hang out and simply be themselves. With a play barn, changing facilities, and even a discipline barn all on the agenda, Eagle Ridge Ranch was soon going to be a perfect haven for all those who identified as a Daddy or Little.

Kipp was a good guy, and Axel was proud to call him a friend. The same could be said for Max too. Max ran his diner tomake money, but perhaps his biggest motivation was providing a friendly, wholesome place where the residents of Eagle Ridge could come and hang out and feel part of the community – the fact that Max had two cute Littles on his staff was simply a bonus. Marshall was single, but Dale was very much taken by Kipp.

However Axel was more than happy to enjoy being served by two sweet young men. There really didn’t need to be anything more to it than that.

‘I’m thinking we pull an all-day shift at the ranch,’ Kipp said, brining Axel back into the real world. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll supply plenty of ice cold beers along the way. And Dale will be making some of his patented cupcakes for a little sugar boost too.’

‘Hey, I hope he’s not thinking about moving into my territory!’ Max bellowed. ‘Unless he wants to cut me in on any future profits…’