‘I had a good time with Marshall and Dale,’ Arlo said, standing in front of the tent and placing his hands on his slender hips. ‘Thanks for introducing me to them. We had a lot in common. So…thanks.’
‘Don’t mention it,’ Axel replied. ‘Good job on the tent. But I think maybe you could have pulled the wind shield a bit tighter at the rear.’
‘I don’t think I asked for your approval,’ Arlo replied, pouting a little as he reluctantly craned his neck so that he could see whether Axel might have a point. ‘Huh. Well. Whatever. I think it’s perfect.’
Axel bristled at Arlo’s sass, but at the same time he also wanted to laugh. Arlo might have been small, but he was packed with enough pride to power a steam train across the length and breadth of the state.
Arlo’s get-up-and-go attitude was deeply impressive to Axel. A lot of the boys he’d come across were far too keen to simply let their Daddies doeverythingfor them. That might have worked for a lot of couples, but Axel had always dreamed of a boy who would have that added spunk and determination to him. This would mean a little added sass and acting out at times, but Axel was happy with that thought too – anything that encouraged a little extra spanking or paddling was fine by him.
Quickly, Axel realized that he was doing it again. He was conjuring a future for him and Arlo. If the mere sight of the boy putting a tent up was causing Axel to contemplate his future with Arlo, then he knew that he had to wrap up their interaction as swiftly as he could.
While it might have been the last thing Axel actually wanted, he felt like it was just about time to say goodbye. But before he did that, his Daddy instincts couldn’t quite resist offering his services to Arlo should he require them…
‘Remember, I’m only a phone call away,’ Axel said, placing his hand on Arlo’s shoulder. ‘If something goes wrong, you need help, or anything like that… you can call me and I’ll be there.’
Axel wasn’t sure if he’d come on too strong.
For a moment, there was an awkward tension between him and Arlo as their eyes met and held a shared gaze for a moment. Arlo quickly broke the ice however in customarily confident style.
‘Me, need help?’ Arlo asked, a cocky smile on his face as he stepped away from Axel and paraded around the front of the tent. ‘Not likely. I graduated top of my intake in my military training. I’m pretty sure I can handle a night in the woods without the help of a…checks notes… gardener.’
‘Tree surgeon,’ Axel replied, rolling his eyes. ‘And it was just an offer.’
‘I will accept an offer of breakfast tomorrow though,’ Arlo replied, a look of hope in his face. ‘I mean unless you’re too busy or whatever.’
‘Nope, that’s good. I can do that,’ Axel replied, his head momentarily spinning. ‘Yeah, why not.’
With that, Axel and Arlo half-hugged, half-air kissed, and half-fist pumped. It was a goofy moment, that was for sure. But as Axel turned and left the camp to make his way back downtoward his car, he couldn’t help but wonder… had Arlo just asked him out on a date?
Back at home, and Axel was feeling as relaxed as he had in a long while. It might have been in part down to the piping hot bowl of stew he’d just consumed. And certainly the two bottles of beer he’d glugged down would have played a part too.
But Axel knew that his overriding sense of happiness was down to something else. Or, to put it more accurately, down to someoneelse.
With Laser fast asleep in front of the fire, Axel’s mind turned to Arlo. The thought of him all alone in his tent didn’t worry Axel though. Far from it. Axel could tell that Arlo was capable of looking after himself, and he had the training to handle most natural safety issues that might crop up.
What was on Axel’s mind was rather more to do with what was going on in his own imagination…
Axel took a gulp from his bottle of beer and slowly unbuckled his belt and raising his hips so that he could lower his jeans down toward his knees. With his cock already hardening inside his boxer briefs, Axel took another sip of the beer and began to let his mind wander to what he might do to Arlo if they were in his tent together.
Damn, he’s hot.
Small, but strong.
Athletic but with all the right curves…
Axel began to imagine what a naked Arlo would look like. His strong shoulders, defined pecs, and not to mention his perfectly rounded butt cheeks…
‘Fuck,’ Axel groaned, taking his rock-hard cock out of his boxers and beginning to stroke it, gradually increasing the pace as he conjured a multitude of scenarios involving him and Arlo together.
Axel knew that him and Arlo could never happen in reality, but this was all fantasy, and nothing could stop him as he worked his cock harder and harder until he reached his climax with thoughts of a naked Arlo inside his tent, on all fours, and presenting his booty for avery specialDaddy inspection.
‘Now that was… interesting,’ Axel sighed, satisfied from his climax but already feeling like he was going to miss Arlo when he departed Eagle Ridge.
Still, there was always breakfast tomorrow to look forward to.
Axel was determined to give Arlo the friendliest goodbye breakfast a boy could ever wish for. But what Axel wasn’t banking on was the possibility that Arlo might not make it into Eagle Ridge after all…
Chapter 7