Chapter 5
The idea of accepting help didn’t sit well with Arlo. He was fiercely independent and liked to do everything for himself. And the fact that he was seemingly now agreeing to take help from a total stranger was adding to Arlo’s feeling of discomfort.
Axel might have been all kinds of hot, but he was still a stranger who had appeared out of nowhere. And Axel did come over as awfully sure of himself too. Arlo had only known him for a matter of moments, but he was already feeling the need to kick back against his somewhat bossy demeanor.
‘This tent has never let me down before,’ Arlo said as he gathered the largely torn remnants to go with what was left of the main structure. ‘If these repair people are up to the job I’ll be expecting a totally dry and leak-free night.’
‘Uh-huh,’ Axel replied, a slightly impatient tone in his voice. ‘Like I say, they’re great. I’m talking from personal experience. You can trust me on that.’
‘Trust you?’ Arlo asked. ‘I met you a couple of minutes ago. I know you like swimming in your Speedos but that’s about it.’
‘I could say the same for you,’ Axel retorted. ‘And yet here I am, stepping in to help.’
Arlo didn’t respond. Axel kind of did have a point after all. But there was no way that Arlo was going to give him the satisfaction and concede any ground. Not yet anyway.
‘Okay, I want to be back on camp by tonight,’ Arlo declared. ‘We’d better get walking.’
Axel nodded and offered his hand out to take one of Arlo’s bags.
‘I’m good, don’t worry about me,’ Arlo replied, proudly hooking his second bag over his shoulder and marching ahead of Axel. ‘If anything, I’m worried whether you can keep pace with me.’
With that, Arlo walked ahead of Axel until he realized that there was no one following behind him. When he turned around, Arlo could see Axel and his dog standing next to one another, the pair of them looking rather too pleased with themselves.
‘I know a shortcut,’ Axel chuckled. ‘It’s time to let me lead. And I’m not asking either. I’m telling. Let’s move.’
Arlo felt his cheeks flush beetroot with frustration.
Despite the fact that the last thing Arlo wanted was to be taking orders from Axel, he knew that he probably did know all the shortcuts. Axel was clearly a local man, and while it might not have felt good to take orders from him, Arlo had littlechoice but to follow along if it meant his tent would be fixed quicker.
‘Fine,’ Arlo said, biting his bottom lip. ‘And what’s the dog’s name? He’s… kinda cool.’
‘Oh, that’s Laser,’ Axel said, his eyes lighting up. ‘There isn’t a man or beast who knows these forests and mountains better than him. Don’t worry, we’re in great hands. Or should that be paws?’
‘Whatever,’ Arlo replied, refusing to acknowledge Axel’s little joke despite actually feeling like he wanted to smile. ‘Let’s move.’
With that, Arlo reluctantly allowed Axel and his dog to take the lead and soon enough they were walking through the forest and on their way into town.
As they walked, there wasn’t too much conversation. But Arlo had to admit that Laser the dog was super cool, despite his uptight owner…
‘So how does a guy like you have such an awesome dog?’ Arlo asked, deliberately trying to push Axel’s buttons as they walked a few paces away from one another.
‘I don’t know what you mean,’ Axel replied, not rising to the bait. ‘And I thought you wanted to get your tent fixed as quickly as possible. Less talk, more walk.’
Arlo rolled his eyes and continued to move in time with Axel as Laser zoomed ahead.
It was by no means a certainty, but Arlo was picking up very strong Daddy vibes from Axel. He might be a little awkwardwhen it came to conversation, and he sure as hell wasn’t overly enthusiastic or cheerful, but Axel’s overall demeanor was very Daddy-esque.
Axel was gruff, a little brusque, and he clearly liked being in charge.
Physically, Arlo was still trying his best to put the memory of Axel in his revealing Speedos out of his mind. But that was proving rather difficult. Axel might have put his t-shirt back on after arriving at the camp shirtless, but Arlo’s mind was overflowing with crystal clear images of Axel’s bare chest, his strong legs, and of course the sizeable junk that very much appeared to be residing between his legs.
In fact, Arlo’s cock was tingling with excitement and making its feelings on Axel’s masterfully put together body more than clear…
Urgh. Just calm down Arlo!
No more thoughts of Axel’s big Daddy dick.