Page 3 of Kipp

Dale reached up to the overhead bag holder and took his backpack down. He had packed lightly because the reality of the situation was that he didn’t have many possessions. But that was okay. Dale knew that he had what he needed.

He had Rebel, his most loved stuffie.

He had a place to stay and a job too.

And most of all, he was free from Benson and ready to start his life again.

Speaking of which, Dale knew that instead of dawdling on the train, what he really needed to be doing was getting his butt to The Hot Plate where Marshall would be waiting for him – and so too would be a stack of piping hot, syrupy pancakes!

‘Maybe this is home sweet home after all,’ Dale said, taking his bag and confidently stepping out of his carriage and then off the train and onto the familiar safety of the Eagle Ridge train station. ‘Now let’s get moving…’

Chapter 2


Kipp wasn’t impressed. Far from it, in fact.

‘What the actual fuck!’ Kipp grumbled, woken once more by the damned cockerel who had seemingly made it his responsibility to wake up at the crack of dawn each and every morning and let the whole world know too. ‘I swear if you don’t shut up…’

Kipp sat up in his bed and shook his head.

Remarkably, the cockerel did indeed quieten down a couple of moments later. But Kipp knew that it was nothing to do with his request. It had been the same old story for the last few weeks, ever since Kipp had officially taken occupancy of Eagle Ridge Ranch.

Kipp Styles was forty-one years old and had lived a life of travel, danger, and plenty of ups and downs. Having grown up in Eagle Ridge, Kipp was no stranger to country living. But that didn’t mean that he was ready to be woken at daybreak by a damned bird every morning either.

As he hauled his six feet and three inch frame out of bed, Kipp took a moment to look around the bedroom. It was sparse, in need of a lick of paint, and probably could do with some newwindows too – ones that could keep at least some of the outdoor noises at bay.

The reason that Kipp found himself here at all was down to his old Uncle Joe passing away at the grand old age of a hundred and three. Uncle Joe had lived a long and simple life at his ranch, and was the kind of good man who Kipp had always aspired to be like. However, life had often intervened, and Kipp was living with some regrets that he was finding hard to shake off.

‘God bless you, Uncle Joe,’ Kipp said, looking out onto the ranch and seeing once more how much it had fallen into disrepair as Uncle Joe had struggled to accept in his later years that he was no longer up to running a ranch single handedly.

Uncle Joe had left his ranch to Kipp. It was a shock at first, and Kipp briefly thought about selling up and letting someone far more suitable take it on board and restore it to its former glories.

But when he came back to town for his uncle’s funeral, Kipp had instinctively known where his destiny lay. It was back on the ranch that he had enjoyed so much as a youngster. Kipp had been away for a long time, but the ranch represented a chance to repent his past mistakes. And Kipp was determined to prove to not only the town, but to himself that he was a better man now.

The reason for Kipp’s initial departure from the town many years ago was tragic, and controversial too. A long standing feud with another family had seen Kipp’s eldest brother Kaden end up in a savage bar brawl. But despite the brawl going in Kaden’s favor, a revenge attack the following week had seen Kaden end up in a coma that he very sadly never emerged from.

When Kaden passed away three weeks after the attack, Kipp had been filled with a potent mixture of grief and rage. Part of Kipp wanted to seek out the attackers and put an end to them himself. But with them already locked up behind bars, all Kipp could do was sink deeper into a pit of sadness.

And six painful months later, Kipp realized that he had to get the hell out of Eagle Ridge for good. But despite leaving town, Kipp had never truly been able to shake off the sense of guilt that he felt for not being by his brother’s side on the night of the fateful attack.

But that was then.

Returning to the ranch and taking on Uncle Joe’s legacy was a way of making things right. Or at least Kipp hoped it would be.

But as the morning sun crept through the gaps in the drapes, Kipp was presented with an altogether different kind of issue…

‘Not again,’ Kipp said, smiling wryly as he looked down past his powerful chest and taught stomach and toward the prominent tent at the front of his grey briefs.

Kipp was as hard as the rocks at the foot of Eagle Falls.

And yet again, it was down to the enigmatic, mysterious young man who had been coming to him in his dreams. The boy was a total figment of Kipp’s imagination of course, but there had been something so compelling about him each time he entered his mind as he slept.

‘I seriously need to get laid,’ Kipp grumbled, putting his dream boy down to a lack of action in between the sheets.

Kipp might have been taking a leave of absence from women over the past year or so, but that didn’t mean he was any lessof a natural born Daddy Dom. Kipp’s instincts were as strong as ever. In fact, it felt like the longer he was abstinent for, the more he craved a boy to toss over his lap and deliver a good, hard spanking to. And the thought then of lying on top of him and truly showing him what he was capable of was enough to get Kipp’s already hard cock even more rigid.

Being a Daddy was as integral to Kipp’s personality as any other part of him.