Dale couldn’t help but giggle. And while Marshall might have had a point about Kipp being all Daddy, Dale didn’t imagine he would be turning up before the end of his break.
So with that thought in mind, Dale leaned back against the diner’s warm wall and shut his eyes. It was time to catch some rays, recharge his batteries, and then set about finishing off his very first shift at The Hot Plate. There was no need to rush, everything would work out just fine.
But little did Dale imagine that he was being watched.
And what the consequences of his extended break might be…
‘Inside the office, right this second,’ Kipp said, his voice calm but clearly not happy.
Dale nodded and stepped inside what was usually Max’s office at the back of the diner. It was like any other small backroom office, and the fact that Kipp was so big made it seem even smaller.
But the size of the office was probably the last thing on Dale’s mind in that moment.
Having fallen asleep outside the diner, Dale had been woken by the imposing shadow that Kipp cast over him as he stood there and waited for the young man to wake up. When Dale did come round, he was met with one of the most unimpressed frowns he had ever seen.
And when Kipp said that they needed a private conversation right that instant, Dale immediately began to fear the worst.
Is he going to fire me right here and now?
Jeez. I hope not.
I mean, it wasn’t like I was asleep for that long… was I?
‘I, um,it’s not like it seemed,’ Dale spluttered, not knowing how he was going to wriggle out of the jam he found himself in. ‘I was resting my eyes. That’s all.’
‘You were asleep,’ Kipp said, his voice full of controlled anger. ‘Do not lie to me. I won’t accept it.’
‘Y-y-yes, I mean, of course, I won’t lie,’ Dale said. ‘I promise.’
Dale could feel his legs turn to jelly as he stood before Kipp. Even sitting down at the desk, Kipp looked enormous in comparison to him. And as terrifying as it was to have Kipp staring back at him, Dale couldn’t help but notice how hard his cock was inside his briefs. It was throbbing, desperate to get out and have some fun. But fun was far from Dale’s mind at that point.
Dale suddenly felt paranoid that Kipp could see how aroused he was becoming but was determined to put him off the scent.
‘You know that I actually worked my butt off,’ Dale said, defiance in his voice. ‘It’s my first freakin’ shift too. So what if I screwed up a few orders?’
Dale was pushing his luck.
Judging by the look on Kipp’s face, he wasn’t in the mood for the kind of sass he was serving up. And as he stood to his feet and made the full size of his imposing frame clear, Dale couldn’t help but swallow and swallow hard.
What have I done?
But more to the point…
What is Kipp about to do to me?
Chapter 6
Kipp was getting on with some work at the ranch. It was a hot morning, and he took this as an opportunity to whip his t-shirt off and get some sunshine and vitamin D goodness onto his aching body.
The weather forecast was all clear and Kipp knew that he needed to do as much work as he could before summer turned to fall and then rolled into winter. Sure, he would still be able to work during the winter, but with the threat of storms and snow, Kipp was experienced enough to know that it was the summer months where much of the truly hard work took place.
Kipp was no stranger to hard work, but he was quickly finding out that building a ranch back up from the ground was a bigger task than he had ever imagined it would be. Although Kipp was given plenty of help from his friends when they were free, the reality was that he was doing most of the work himself.
Not that Kipp was complaining.
Despite the bumps and bruises, Kipp was in fact loving his new life.