Kipp knew full well that Eagle Ridge Ranch was rightfully his, and it was Uncle Joe’s true wish that he took it on for the future. But men like Leigh Crenshaw would never let anything go until they were beaten in a language that they could understand – and it was about time that he was taken to school once and for all…
‘Let’s fucking go,’ Kipp growled, circling the patch of barren land, Leigh opposite him and doing the same.
‘Bring it, loser,’ Leigh snapped back. ‘Hey freaks, watch your so-calledDaddygetting his ass handed to him on a plate.’
Kipp knew that Leigh was baiting him to take the first swing, but there was no way he was going to rise to such obvious tactics.Instead, Kipp carefully closed the distance between them and planted his feet in the ground, ready to fire a counter punch of his own.
‘Daddy! Be careful!’ Dale cried, his voice sounding far in the distance despite the fact that him and Marshall were now close to the action.
Kipp faked a half-jab and drew a counter punch from Leigh that grazed his temple – and just like that, the fire was lit.
Going toe to toe with one another, the two men landed blow after blow. Kipp knew he was taking more shots than Leigh, but that his punches were landing harder and doing more damage.
With the baking sun overhead, Kipp felt his stamina reserves kicking in as he landed a double jab that connected flush to Leigh’s bloodied nose, making him stagger backward.
This is it.
He’s weak. I can take him out.
It’s time to finish this…
Sensing that Leigh was on his last legs, Kipp powered forward and landed a huge right cross on Leigh’s jaw that sent him sprawling onto the ground. Kipp knew that he could jump onto Leigh and pound his face into the ground, but instinctively he felt like that wasn’t how he wanted to end this.
‘Enough?’ Kipp asked, standing over a bruised and bloodied Leigh. ‘Just say the word and this is over.’
‘Enough,’ Leigh replied, only for him to sweep his left leg across the back of Kipp’s heels, bringing him down to the ground too. ‘Enough of thisbullshit.’
Kipp roared in anger. As he predicted, Leigh wasn’t going to fight honorably.
‘Well don’t say I didn’t warn you,’ Kipp bellowed, wrestling Leigh and quickly gaining control of his opponent’s back. ‘I gave you the chance to quit on your own terms. But you can forget about that now.’
With that, Kipp moved himself into a rear chokehold and tightened his grip until Leigh quickly passed out.
‘Daddy! Is he…’ Dale cried out, charging over with Marshall by his side.
‘No, he’ll be fine,’ Kipp said, climbing off Leigh and hugging Dale. ‘In fact, he’s already coming round…’
Kipp, Dale, and Marshall watched in disgust as a drowsy Leigh crawled a few feet away from them and then wobbled up onto his feet and took his sorry ass back to his car.
‘It’s all over,’ Kipp said. ‘Eagle Ridge Ranch isours.’
‘And the whole town will know it too,’ Marshall said, holding up his cell phone and showing a video that documented the whole event, including Leigh’s promise to walk away if he lost the fight – plus his treacherous attempt to trick Kipp at the end too.
‘You Littles never fail to amaze me,’ Kipp chuckled, high-fiving Marshall and then brining Dale in for a big hug. ‘How about a trip to The Tap House? I think we could all do with a little something. And if I know my Daddy friends, they’re going to want to put that fight up on Trey’s big screen!’
‘That sounds cool, Daddy,’ Dale said, a look of joy on his face.
‘Oh, and one other thing…’ Kipp said, arching his eyebrow and then taking Dale by his hands. ‘I know you might still have thoughts about travel, adventure, and life outside of this little town. I just want you to know that I’ll support you whatever you choose, Dale. But if it was up to me, I’d love nothing more than spending the rest of my days with you, here. This is a big ranch, and I could use a boy like you to be my partner.Forever.’
Kipp’s heart was thumping harder than it had at any point during his fight with Leigh Crenshaw. He could see that Dale was filling with emotion, but until he heard him say it out loud Kipp couldn’t be sure which way he was going to go.
‘Daddy…’ Dale said, a little quiver in his voice. ‘That sounds perfect! I love you, and nothing would make me happier than making the ranch my home. You, me, Brutus, and Rebel.’
‘And maybe some rescue animals too, guys?’ Marshall added, giggling. ‘You know, just saying…’
‘Yes, I think we could look into that,’ Kipp laughed. ‘I love you, Dale. You’re my darling boy and I think we can make this ranch into something that Uncle Joe would have been proud of. And we’ll do ittogether.’
Kipp leaned down and planted a soft, sensual kiss on Dale’s lips.