“Except there’s no amusement in this amusement park.” Her voice caught on the last word.
The parallel lines embedded above his nose deepened. “Watch your back.”
“More so now than ever.”
With a dip of his chin, he stepped outside, closing the door behind him.
Lindsey crossed the room and twisted the lock, then moved to the window to watch as he paused to talk to two of the officers before continuing to his car. Less than a minute later, he pulled away from the curb and disappeared down the street.
And quite possibly from her life, unless she could assure him that his witness in the Robertson case wasn’t losing her mind.
Time to call Dr. Oliver and see if he was going to be an ally in that effort—or if what he had to say after today’s incident would only add fuel to Jack’s suspicions.
As Bri greeted him and claimed her usual seat for their bi-weekly Tuesday night dinner, Jack set his cell on the table. “I was in the area for a case follow-up and finished early. No point going back to the office. I can do email anywhere.”
“I hear you.” She hung her purse on the back of her chair and inspected him. “You look tired.”
Not surprising. That’s what happened when you tossed for two nights in a row and only clocked a handful of hours of sleep, thanks to an unsolved murder case and a personal chef in whom you’d taken far too much personal interest.
“Work’s busy.”
“Yeah?” She didn’t seem convinced. “Work’s always busy. What else is going on? Is there a new development with the Robertson case that’s causing you to lose sleep?”
“Not exactly.”
Their server arrived before Bri could respond, but as soon as he took their order and left, she morphed back into inquisitor mode.
“Explain that.”
Naturally she’d home in on his vague answer.
He picked up the basket of rolls and held it out. “Have one.”
“I’d rather have an explanation.” She took a roll anyway, her expression growing speculative. “I’m thinking your insomnia is related to your witness.”
He tried not to gape at her.
How on earth did she do that?
More importantly, how much should he share with her? Shewasa clear thinker, and he could use a sounding board at this stage. Plus, since she already suspected he was attracted to Lindsey, what did he have to lose by getting her take?
“Give the lady a gold star.” He took a roll.
“I knew it.” She leaned forward. “She’s gotten under your skin, hasn’t she?”
“Let’s just say I find her intriguing.”
“There are worse places to start a relationship.”
“Our relationship is professional.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less—for now. Doesn’t mean more can’t develop. Like with Marc and me.”
“This is a whole different scenario, with very different obstacles.”