Page 77 of Over the Edge

“I wish I could have been more help.” Lindsey sliced a few mushrooms and put a pat of butter in a small sauté pan.

“I’m sure you told them everything you know.”

“Yes, but it wasn’t much.”

“Detective Tucker mentioned the shoe brand you noticed.”

“As far as I know, that didn’t lead anywhere. But I did remember one other thing.” As she added the mushrooms to the sizzling butter, she described the mark she’d seen on the person’s arm. The same information she intended to share with Dara later today when she called to check in with her. Hopefully that would help relieve her mind about Chad.

Heidi’s forehead crimped. “That could be an important new detail. Have you told the detective?”

“Yes.” She whipped up eggs, milk, and chives and poured the mixture into another pan.

“What did he say?”

“He listened, but I have no idea where it will go from there—if anywhere.”

“Why wouldn’t he follow up? He struck me as conscientious. I can’t imagine him not investigating a lead like that.”

“Unless I remember more about it, there’s not much to investigate. Besides, I’ve had a couple of ... strange ... experiences over the past week that haven’t helped my credibility.” Enough about that. “Would you like a cup of coffee with your omelet?”

“I already have a cup. James kept a small coffeemaker in his office. He liked to have his caffeine close at hand.” A tear brimmed on her lower lashes. “Sorry. I can’t get used to the fact that he’s g-gone.”

“I can’t begin to imagine how hard this must be for you.” Lindsey continued to put the omelet together by rote, adding the mushrooms and folding the eggs over at the appropriate stage of doneness.

“It’s like a nightmare that—” She stopped and withdrew her phone from the pocket of her slacks. Checked the screen. “Sorry. It’s James’s office. I have to take this.” She stood.

“Shall I bring your omelet to the study when it’s ready?”

“Yes. Thank you.” She put the phone to her ear and greeted the caller in a businesslike tone.

Lindsey finished the omelet, walked it down the hall, and set it on the burnished desk in the study after Heidi motioned her in with a distracted wave, obviously more interested in the call than the food.

After exiting quietly, she retraced her steps to the kitchen and continued preparing the dishes Heidi had selected for this week’s menu, her mind only half on the task.

Strange how life worked.

Like ... what were the odds that she’d have been in this kitchen at the very time the killer was here? Or that the detective assigned to the case would be the man who’d captured Clair’s heart? Or that her hostility toward Jack Tucker would not only begin to soften, but morph into ... attraction?

And that’s what it was, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

She sprinkled chopped garlic into the olive oil marinade for the salmon entrée, the pungent aroma swirling around her.

Truth be told, it was hard not to like a man who was willing to admit his mistakes. Who acknowledged culpability and felt guilty about errors in judgment. Who came across as dedicated and conscientious, as Heidi had noted. Who radiated integrity and honesty.

As she stirred the marinade, her comment to Dara on Tuesday about how everyone makes mistakes replayed in her mind. As did her suggestion that the younger woman put Chad’s transgression aside and move forward. That it wasn’t wise to let one error in judgment forever shape your image of someone.

Lindsey winced as she added a splash of lemon juice to the marinade.

If she believed what she’d told Dara, she’d give Jack a second chance. Accept that a person who made a bad judgment call wasn’t necessarily a bad person.

Just as she wasn’t a bad person, even if she’d put her selfish desires above her commitment to Clair and the trip they’d planned. A choice she’d regret for the rest of her life, as Jack had confided he’d regret his.

But dishing out advice was a lot easier than following it.

She set the salmon fillets in the marinade, put them in the refrigerator to steep, and moved to the next menu item on today’s prep schedule.

Yet as she went through the motions, her mind remained on Jack.