Quashing her resurging panic, Lindsey tuned back in to the conversation. “Sorry. I got distracted for a minute. What did you say?”
“Chad and Dara weren’t at church, either. I called Dara a few minutes ago. She didn’t give me any details, but they had a very upsetting morning. The detective on the Robertson case paid them a visit.”
Lindsey leaned back against the counter.
So that was why Jack had bailed on lake reconnaissance.
“Did she tell you what he wanted?”
“No. All she said was that he was following up on a new lead. Now I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing. I’m glad you were able to work in a rowing session this morning. I hope it relaxed you.”
But Lindsey kept her comment more generic. “Rowing has always been my happy place.”
Until today’s experience had forever hosed her go-to scene for visualization exercises.
“We can all use one of those. And if the mild weather holds for a few more days, you may get in another session or two. Take care, and I’ll talk to you soon.”
Lindsey remained by the counter after the call ended, weighing the phone in her hand as she tried to quell the uneasiness rippling through her. To steady a world that suddenly felt off-balance.
Could her unsettled state be a delayed reaction to the frightening events of this morning, or had everything that had happened to her over the past twenty-one months taken a more serious toll on her mental stability than she’d thought?
Mounting evidence pointed toward the latter. Unless her mind was beginning to play tricks on her, why would she doubt a close friend like Madeleine or turn what may have been nothing more than an unfortunate accident into a sinister attack that perhaps had no basis in reality?
Fingers trembling, Lindsey set the cell on the counter as tendrils of fear twined around her windpipe, cutting off her air supply.
Another panic attack was looming.
She wasn’t going to let all the bad stuff that had happened mess with her mind. Whatever was going on, she’d get through it. And it wasn’t as if she was in this alone. Dr. Oliver was in her corner.
In fact, why not call him now? He was always available to clients, and she could also set up an appointment for tomorrow or the next day. They’d talk this out, and she’d be fine. She wouldnotlose her grip on reality.
As long as nothing else happened to rattle her world.
“I TOLD YOUnot to bother me on weekends. This better be an emergency.”
At the curt greeting from Matthew Nolan, Eric Miller swiped the sleeve of his T-shirt across his forehead and walked to the end of the deck behind his house, keeping watch on the door. This was not a conversation he wanted his wife to hear.
“There’s been a new development.”
“I’m listening.”
“Robertson’s wife came into the office Friday. Met with all the honchos. I got a memo this morning that she wants a complete report on all financials by the end of the month.”
“So there are discrepancies if anyone digs deep, as you know.”
“A financial report isn’t an audit.”
“It could come to that. Apparently she intends to play a much bigger role in the company than anyone expected. She also wants to be briefed on pending deals. That would include the strip mall you’re after.”
Nolan was silent for a moment. “What’s she like personally?”
“I don’t know. She’s always kept a low profile.”