But they were heading toward the altar, no question about it—even if a proposal wasn’t on his agenda for tonight.
He came back through the door, a plate containing two mint squares in one hand, bottles of water in the other. After setting the items on the table, he sat across from her. “I didn’t have a third hand. Mind sharing a plate?”
“Not at all.” She picked up one of the forks balanced beside the three layers of decadence that had rocketed to the top of her favorite-desserts list after her first bite months ago. “I think it was sweet that Bri wanted you to provide these as a grand finale on her special day.”
“She said it would make her feel like Mom was with us. Hard to refuse a request like that.”
Another indication of the soft heart that beat beneath Jack’s sometimes guarded manner.
“Shall we dig in?” She lifted her fork.
“In a minute. I have a gift for you first.”
Her pulse lost its rhythm as he reached into his jacket pocket. Withdrew a small box. Held it out.
Slowly she set the fork down and took it.
This must be it.
Struggling not to hyperventilate, she lifted the lid. Removed the thick layer of soft cotton batting that covered the contents.
Her lungs collapsed as a surge of disappointment swept over her.
It wasn’t a ring.
But wait.
On second thought, this was almost as good.
The burnished gold claddagh pendant had to be his grandmother’s. The one he’d rescued from the box of cough drops in the decrepit dresser he’d found on the sidewalk the day he’d been evicted.
If he was giving her his beloved grandmother’s most cherished possession, it had to mean a ring was coming at some point.
And she could wait.
Because Jack was worth waiting for.
Vision misting, she held the box reverently as she looked over at him. “This was your grandmother’s, wasn’t it?”
“I can’t tell you how honored I am that you’re entrusting it to me.”
His eyes darkened. “I’m planning to entrust you with more than that, Lindsey.” Before she could digest that, he motioned toward the pendant. “Would you like to wear it?”
He rose, circled behind her chair, and secured the clasp on the delicate chain, his fingers warm against her neck.
Then he returned to his seat.
No kiss to go along with such a precious gift?
“Why don’t we have dessert?”