“I won’t let you fall. I promise.”
“You shouldn’t ... be up here. It’s too ... high for you.”
She was worried abouthimafter almost plunging to her death?
His throat clogged. “I’m fine.” Not even close, but he’d get through this—even if the warehouse was beginning to spin around him.
“Don’t ... let me go.”
“Never. That’s a promise.”
In more ways than one.
The other officer joined him, and he switched back into his official voice. “Grab her right arm. Let’s pull her up on the count of three.”
Ten seconds later, Lindsey was standing on the walkway in the circle of his arms, tremors rippling through her body as she clung to him.
Or were the tremors his?
Didn’t matter. She was safe, and as soon as they were back on terra firma, he’d be fine.
That couldn’t happen fast enough to suit him.
“I can’t believe you found me.” The erratic breath from her choked, whispered words fluttered against his neck.
“It was close. Too close. Let’s get off this catwalk.” He gently extricated himself from her clasp and helped her skirt around Oliver.
“Is he ... is he alive?” She edged past the man’s prone form.
“I think so.” He directed his next comment to the officer. “Stay with him until the paramedics get here.”
They had to sidle past Heidi too as they descended. Keeping a firm grip on Lindsey, he guided her around the slumped body.
“Is she ... is she dead?”
Jack glanced down at the officer who’d descended to the floor after giving her a cursory assessment. The man shook his head.
“Yes. Hold on to the railing while we go down this last stretch. I’ll be right in front of you. I won’t let you fall.”
He maneuvered himself ahead of her and followed his own advice with the railing. With the stiffening evaporating from his legs, he needed the support as much as she did.
At the bottom, he turned and helped her down the lastcouple of steps. “Let’s get you checked out.” The paramedics had arrived, and he put his arm around her as he guided her toward them. Not his usual protocol on the job, but when the woman you were falling for had almost died, the rules didn’t apply.
“I’m fine, Jack.” She held back as he tried to urge her forward. “I don’t need medical attention.”
“I’d rather hear that from an expert. Humor me?”
She sighed and offered him a tiny lip flex. “It’s hard to say no to a person who saved your life.”
As she leaned into him, he led her toward the paramedics.
One of them sized her up as they drew close, then set up a stair chair. The kind another team was already carrying toward the steps to transport Oliver off the catwalk.
Smart move.
No way was Lindsey going to let them put her on a stretcher.
“You’re my first patient of the night.” The fortysomething guy smiled as they approached, his relaxed, affable manner no doubt designed to calm injured and sick people who were also stressed and scared. “Have a seat.” He tapped the chair.