As soon as the rope was off, that would be her window.
And as she prepared to rip her hands free, she prayed for the strength to overcome her adversaries and survive this night.
JACK KILLED HISLIGHTSand pulled up beside the three cruisers that were parked in the shadows on the warehouse property. A fourth one swung in as he braked.
Sarge had called in plenty of reinforcements.
Good man.
As Jack got out of his car, the officers joined him.
After giving them a rapid briefing, he encompassed all of them with his question. “Any of you know this property?”
“I’ve driven through here on patrols.”
Jack turned to the fortysomething officer who’d spoken. “Do you remember how many access points there are?”
“I think there are two loading docks on the left side and two in the back. I know there’s a door in the front, and as best I can recall there’s another one next to the loading docks in the back. But I can’t swear to any of that. I wasn’t here to take inventory.”
“Understood.” The man had recalled far more thanhewould have from a routine patrol circuit. “According to our tipster, the car is in the back. I’m going to assume that door is the one most likely to be open.”
“Are the subjects armed?” This from a young cop. Perhaps fresh from the academy, based on the adrenaline pinging off him.
“That would be my expectation. Have weapons in hand and flashlights ready. Be prepared to use the flashlights to startle or illuminate on command. Keep them off unless I tell you to use them. I want one person at the loading docks on the left and one by the door here in front in case anyone tries to escape through those exits.” He tapped two of the officers as he spoke, then turned to the remaining men. “You two comewith me. We’re going in slow and silent while I assess the situation. Any questions?”
Head shakes all around.
“Let’s do this.”
He took off at a trot for the back of the building, pistol at the ready, nerve endings tingling.
If fate was kind, he wouldn’t have to use his weapon.
But if that’s what it took to save Lindsey’s life, he’d pull the trigger in a heartbeat.
And he’d do it without a single regret.
With a mighty yank, Lindsey jerked her wrists apart.
The loosened cording gave way, freeing her hands.
Thank you, God!
After giving Dr. Oliver a shove, she swung away and took off across the grated floor of the narrow, rusted ramp that offered a dizzying view into the bowels of the building.
Unfortunately, the element of surprise didn’t last long.
“Anthony! Go after her!”
As Heidi’s command bounced off the walls of the empty building, Lindsey picked up her pace. But it was hard to move fast in the dark on a surface that didn’t feel any too steady.
Despite his less-than-optimal physical condition, he pounded after her on the metal platform, shaking it even more.
It was everything she could do to remain upright as she ran on the vibrating grate beneath her feet.