But at least Dr. Oliver had nixed Heidi’s suggestion that they finish her off here.
She paused at his command.
“Anthony, honey, are you all right?”
Another jolt ricocheted through her.
Heidi and Dr. Oliver had a romantic relationship?
“I could be better. The police are going to be looking for my car.”
“Oh, sweetie, don’t worry about that. There are dozens offender benders in the city every day, and the cops down there have bigger fish to fry than trying to track down a hit-and-run with no injuries.”
“What if someone saw what happened?”
“It was dark, and half the streetlights were out. No one could see much from a window, and it’s too cold tonight for anyone to be wandering around outside.”
“A body shop will know the car was in an accident.” Dr. Oliver sounded seriously rattled.
“Relax, Anthony. You can lease a car for a couple of months and let yours sit. At that point, tonight will be ancient history. Tell them someone sideswipedyouwhile the car was parked on the street.”
Heidi’s tone was soothing. Placating. Caring.
The voice of a woman in love.
A far different version of Heidi than the woman who demanded that staff park behind her garage to keep riffraff out of view.
Lindsey gritted her teeth.
How she rued the day she’d taken a job at the Robertson house after the client Dr. Oliver had referred to her had in turn put her in touch with Heidi.
“I don’t know.”
“Anthony, trust me, it will be fine. But I’ll take the wheel on this trip. You shouldn’t be driving with such a high fever.”
“I don’t like all the calls that detective made to her phone. He’ll be looking for her.”
Lindsey’s ears perked up, and a surge of hope shot through her.
They had to be referring to Jack.
Multiple calls meant he was worried and perhaps already in search mode.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t much chance he’d think of Dr. Oliver.
“He has no idea where she is. You said she told you no one knew she was planning to stop here.”
“You know ... we probably shouldn’t talk about all this in her presence.”
Heidi gave a mirthless laugh. “Why not? It isn’t like she’s going to have the opportunity to tell anyone what she hears. You ready to go?”
“I don’t know.” Agitation and uncertainty wove through his words. “None of this feels right.”
Was Dr. Oliver having second thoughts about their plans?