AT THE VIBRATIONon his hip, Jack stopped pacing in his living room and yanked out his phone.
“Court order came through. We’ve located her phone.” In typical fashion, Sarge cut to the chase without any greeting.
Fine by him. He had no patience for niceties after more than an hour of snowballing anxiety.
Jack narrowed his eyes as his boss gave him the location.
Same street Chad Allen lived on.
That couldn’t be a coincidence.
“She’s still not answering.” Jack strode toward the door, snatching up his coat en route. “I tried again five minutes ago.” And every five minutes since his first call.
“City’s dispatched an officer to the location.”
“I’m on my way there too. Will you let me know what they find?”
“We should alert the officer to stay clear. We may want our CSU people on this.”
“Already done.”
Jack ended the call as he continued to the garage. Once behind the wheel, he accelerated toward the city at speeds that weren’t exactly prudent.
Ten minutes into the drive, his phone vibrated. Sarge again. He put the call on hands-free before answering. “What have we got?”
“Not only her phone, but her car.”
“What about Lindsey?” He braced for bad news.
“MIA. The phone is lying on the street at the back of the car. The trunk’s half-open.”
His stomach somersaulted. The facts added up to a grab.
Unless ...
“I assume the trunk’s empty?”
“Except for two large coolers.”
The ones she must use for food transport.
“Is CSU on the way?”
“I’ll be there in less than five minutes.”
“You looking for anything in particular?”
“No, but I have people I want to talk to.” He explained the proximity to Allen’s house.
“Weird coincidence.”