Page 9 of Over the Edge

“EARTH TO JACK.Come in, Jack.”

At the summons, Jack swiveled away from Lindsey Barnes’s disappearing taillights and toward the female voice.

Detective Cate Reilly-Sloan, arms crossed, long dark hairpulled back into her usual high ponytail, stood beside the hedge of arborvitaes that hid the concrete pad behind the garage from the backyard.

Her amused expression was hard to decipher. But sometimes women were a mystery.

Like the one who’d just driven away.

“Sorry.” He walked over to join her. “When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. I’m your reinforcement.”

“Lucky you.”


“Is Lacey here yet?”

“Yes. She’s inside. The wife’s on-site too. You want to bring me up to speed?”

He gave her a quick briefing. “I already spoke with Ms. Barnes. Chad Allen is up next. We can tag team it.”

“Learn anything helpful from the witness?”

“Nothing other than the approximate height of the subject. She couldn’t see much from her hiding place.”

“Tough spot to find yourself in. She okay?”

“Claims to be. She was planning to pick up her work where she left off before we delayed her.”

Cate’s mouth bowed. “I think I like her.” Then she sobered. “What do we know about Allen?”

“Nothing beyond the fact he doesn’t have a record. Meyers ran him.”



“He has solid instincts.”

“I know. Let’s see if our impressions mesh with his. Allen’s on the patio.” He motioned toward the back of the house and followed Cate as she took the lead.

The man was sitting on a naked patio chair, its cushions relegated to post-season storage, but he shot to his feet theinstant he caught sight of them. The officer waiting with him walked a discreet distance away as they approached.

Moving past Cate, Jack extended his hand and introduced himself as he assessed the man.

About five ten, thirtyish, dark brown hair, lean but muscular build, a touch of premature gray at his temples, eyes that looked as if they’d seen too much and were afraid they were about to see more.

Meyers was right.

The man had a tense, spooked air about him. Like someone who was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

As soon as he had a few minutes, he’d dig deeper into the guy’s background.

Unlike Lindsey, Allen didn’t hesitate to return his handshake. He also shook hands with Cate.

“We have a few questions, Mr. Allen, but we’d be happy to find a warmer spot.” Jack motioned toward the house. “There may be a clear area inside we could use.” If Hank was in a generous mood.