Page 104 of Wished

“Make a ring from it,” Max says, a smile in his eyes. Then he snaps his finger and shifts. “Hold that thought.”

I sit up, bemused, as Max strides across the dark library. The moonlight shines over the muscles of his back, his long legs, and then he turns back, catches me staring, and winks.

I laugh and wrap my arms over my chest, keeping myself covered. The air is cool and my skin is prickling now that I don’t have the warmth of Max wrapped around me.

Then he’s back, kneeling at my side with a gold ring in his hand.

There are six gemstones glinting in the yellow gold, the facets catching and reflecting moon shards back at us.

“I had it made after ...” Max glances at me, checking my expression. When he sees that I understand, he smiles.

“What does it say?” I ask.

It’s an acrostic ring, and every gemstone is a letter. It’s a message from Max to me.

“White sapphire, iolite, sapphire, hematite, emerald, diamond,” he says pointing to each gemstone.

I take in the letters, and then I say, “Wished.”

He smiles, a quick flashing of his teeth. “Wished,” he agrees. “You wished that we were married and in love, and I wished the same.”

He takes my hand, and I can’t look away from the expression on his face when he slides the ring onto my right ring finger.

“Now, whenever you want something,” he says, holding onto my hand, “all you have to do is ask.”

“And what about you?”

“Same. I just have to ask.”

“If you could ask for anything right now, what would it be?” I move toward him, wrapping my arms around him. Suddenly I feel like my goal to become a genie when I grew up came true. The way Max is devouring me with a heated, happy gaze confirms it.

“I’d ask ... would you like me to carry you upstairs? To bed?” He lifts an eyebrow, a tilted smile on his face.

“Yes,” I say, holding out my arms.

He lifts me and I wrap my legs around him. His hands grip my hips and I hold him close. He presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth.

“What else?” I ask, holding on tight as he strides from the room.

“I’d ask ... would you like to make love all night long?—?”


“And then have croissants and coffee in bed?—?”


“And I’d ask if you’d like to stay here for the week, and then the month, and then, perhaps, for the rest of your life.”

I don’t even have to think about it.

“Yes,” I say, grinning as he takes the stairs, holding me tight.

“I’d ask if you’d love me for as long as we live.”

“Yes,” I say as he strides down the long hall.

“I’d ask if you’d marry me. Marry me, Anna?”