Page 95 of Skysong

But the innkeep cut her off with a short, firm hug. ‘None of that, girl,’ she murmured as she drew back. ‘I don’t know where you’re off to or what you’re doing, and you know I won’t ask. But just remember you’re always welcome here, under any circumstances. Take care of yourself, won’t you?’ She glanced sidelong at Oriane, smiled. ‘Take care of each other.’

Andala swallowed the lump that had risen in her throat. She could only nod in reply. She watched as Oriane clasped Nell’s hands in thanks, then the innkeep disappeared out the back of the building.

‘I wish you luck,’ came a soft voice.

Andala and Oriane whipped around. Hana was lingering behind them, as if she had something to say that she hadn’t wanted the others to hear.

‘I’ll be staying here,’ Hana went on. ‘While my brother and Kitt go with you.’

‘Will you be all right?’ Oriane asked, looking concerned.

‘Oh, yes,’ Hana said lightly. ‘I rather like it here so far. I can see why you lived here for a while, Andala. Kitt told me.’

Andala’s initial instinct was to shy away, as she usually did when it came to her past. But she found she didn’t mind Hana knowing more about her.

She saw Oriane glance between her and the princess, a shrewd look on her face. Then Oriane turned towards Hana.338

‘I must go upstairs to prepare for the journey. Stay safe here, Hana. Stay well.’ She seemed to hesitate, then reached out to clasp Hana’s hands briefly in hers. ‘It has been an honour to meet you, and to be your companion. And again … I am sorry I could not help you further.’

Hana smiled – a true, genuine smile that brightened her whole face. ‘The honour has been mine, Oriane. And you have helped me. Not in the way my brother intended, but your song and your friendship have both been a wonderful light.’

Andala saw Oriane’s throat bob, her eyes blink once, twice. Then she bowed her head and was gone.

Andala shifted awkwardly. She had never been alone with the princess before, and had little idea what to say to her.

‘My brother told me what you said,’ Hana said. ‘About … learning how to live with darkness, rather than trying to rid yourself of it. It seems a wise way to look at things.’

Heat rose in Andala’s cheeks. She was also guilty of discussing Hana and her condition without her input, of failing to notice her presence in a room … She cleared her throat. ‘I don’t profess to know anything about your situation, Your High—’

‘Hana,’ the princess corrected. ‘I’m just Hana here. Which I don’t mind, actually.’ She glanced out the window at the villagers passing the inn, a faint smile on her lips. ‘These people don’t know anything about who I am, or who I’m not.’

Andala couldn’t help smiling in return. ‘That was why I first came here, too.’ Hana’s look grew curious, and Andala added hurriedly, ‘It’s a long story.’

The princess appraised her. ‘I’d like to hear it someday.’

Andala nodded, once more at a loss for what to say. But the princess pre-empted her with an elegant dip of her head.

‘Lady Nightingale. I wish you well. It’s been an honour to know339you, too.’ Then Hana turned and left the inn, flaxen hair waving behind her as she stepped out into the breeze.

Kitt returned just as she left. His expression was tender as he watched her go. ‘Do you think she’ll be all right here? On her own?’

Andala clasped a firm hand on his shoulder. ‘Nell will look out for her. She’s a motherly type. Her husband’s cooking is excellent, too, so Hana will be well fed.’

Kitt still looked worried, his face an open book of concern.

‘Does she know?’ Andala asked. ‘How you feel about her?’

Kitt spun towards her. ‘I don’t … I …’ But he gave up his protests as Andala raised an eyebrow. ‘I don’t think so.’ He sighed. ‘She doesn’t need that right now, anyway. She has enough on her plate.’

‘True. But still … it’s nice, sometimes, to know someone cares about you.’ She elbowed him gently. ‘Go tell her you’ll come back for her.’

Kitt looked alarmed. ‘What?’

‘When everything’s finished. Just let her know that you’ll come back for her, if she wants you to. You don’t have to say anything else. Just that you’re here now, and you’ll be here when this is all over.’

Whenthisisallover. The thought brought a wave of fear crashing down over her. Terault, the island – for a moment there she’d almost forgotten about it all.

‘Are you all right?’ Kitt asked.