‘But what—’ Tomas’ voice hitched, threatened to crack. He cleared his throat. ‘What if theyarethe answer? Shouldn’t we at least ask them to try?’
‘Shouldn’t I be the one to make that call?’ Hana countered. ‘Shouldn’t it be up to me to pursue the solutions I see fit? Or do you334believe Terault when he says you –he– knows what’s best for me? That I can’t be trusted to make my own decisions, and that you must do it for my own good?’
‘Hana, that’s not—’
‘Thatiswhat he says. I have heard him say it. He, too, seems to easily forget when I am in a room, and when I might hear people speaking about me.’ Her tone softened. ‘I am ill, Tomas. I know that. There is something wrong with my mind – with the way it works against me. But I am not an invalid. I’m not a walking corpse. I’m still your living, breathing sister, and even though you can command me as my king, I ask that instead you listen to me as my brother.’
Tomas visibly deflated. He shut his eyes, and when he opened them again, their tear-bright shine reminded Andala of the king she’d seen in the dungeons – the one who was more a brother than a ruler, and who seemed only to want to help his sister.
‘Of course,’ he whispered. ‘Of course. I just … It hurt, Hana. That I was never able to help you.’
‘There’s a difference between trying to help me and trying to fix me, little brother. And the best way for you to do one is to stop the other.’
She reached up to put her arms around him. Tomas hugged her back, and Andala turned away, as much to give the siblings privacy as to quell the sudden ache in her own heart. Oriane did the same.
Bravely, impulsively, Andala reached for her hand and squeezed it.
‘I think it’s time for us to go,’ she said.
They left Tomas and Hana in the library and found Kitt out in the tavern, conversing with Nell. He had been trying to find horses335they could buy or borrow for the journey – and he had come up short.
‘No one’s of a mind to leave themselves ill-provisioned in such uncertain times,’ the innkeep was saying as Andala and Oriane approached. ‘Whether they think they can outrun the long night if it happens again, I don’t know. But I do know you’ll have no luck here.’
Kitt took off his spectacles and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking defeated. ‘And we need more than one. Two at the minimum, or three if we’re to have one each.’
‘Four,’ came a voice behind them. ‘There will be four of us on this journey.’
King Tomas had emerged from the library, Hana behind him. Tomas approached the bar, and Andala had to suppress a smile as Nell’s eyes widened, her brows shooting skyward.
‘You’ll be – going with them, my lord?’ the innkeep asked. ‘But you … Well, you’re …’
‘The king? Yes,’ Tomas agreed. ‘But I am not a very good one. No, don’t feel you have to deny it – it’s true. It is a poor king who abandons his castle, after all. Whoever heard of such a thing?’ His tone was light, but a sharp undercurrent ran through it, like a bitter aftertaste from a sweet fruit. ‘It is a poorer king still who abandons his duty. And my duty is to my people.’ He looked to Andala and Oriane. ‘Both Kitt and I will see these ladies safely to their destination.’
To Nell’s credit, she asked no further questions. She merely bowed her head to Tomas – then whipped it up sharply at the sight of a couple who’d just descended from upstairs.
‘… should make it by midday,’ the woman was saying. She and her companion were both dressed for travel.336
‘’Bout bloody time,’ the man replied as they headed for the door. ‘We’ll get rid of this wagonload and then find somewhere to get a proper mea—’ He cut himself off suddenly as Nell made her way around from behind the bar. ‘Nell! Didn’t see you there.’
‘I can see that you didn’t, Albert, else you’d not have come so close to disparaging my establishment within my earshot,’ Nell said pleasantly. She had a look in her eye that Andala recognised – one that meant she had an idea in mind. ‘You and Perrine off to Azura today, then?’
Albert smiled sheepishly. ‘Well, we figured it was finally safe to get those goods to the city, with the daylight back to scaring all the bandits away, like.’ He ran a hand through his auburn hair. ‘We settled the account last night, though, with Arrin—’
‘I know,’ Nell interrupted. ‘And I thank you for not making me chase you down for it by escaping before dawn. But …’ She stepped forward, blocking their way to the exit. ‘I’d be willing to give you a portion of that payment back, should you be willing to take some passengers with you.’
The pair exchanged a glance. ‘Passengers?’ Perrine asked warily.
Nell waved in the general direction of Andala, Oriane, Kitt and Tomas. ‘Four travellers who find themselves in want of a way to the city now that the light prevails, much the same as yourselves.’
Andala did her best to smile at the two merchants as they appraised the group. If they could get to Azura – a large port city about five hours’ ride away – they could find horses there and make the rest of the journey on their own. She held her breath as Perrine’s eyes lingered on Tomas. What if she recognised him? What if she didn’t? Would Tomas have to reveal himself,orderthe merchants to take them?
But after what seemed an age, Perrine simply nodded. ‘We leave within the hour,’ she said curtly. ‘Anyone not aboard the wagon gets left behind.’337
Andala sagged with relief as the merchants left.
‘I’ll get our bags,’ Kitt said at once. ‘Thanks again for making sure we actually had bags to take, Nell.’ He bounded off upstairs, Tomas in his wake.
Andala turned to Nell, her gratitude threatening to overflow. ‘Nell,’ she started, ‘thank you for—’