Page 88 of Skysong

Her father’s blood was on her own hands. Oriane knew that. But Tomas’s were stained red as well, and she would not forget it.

‘But that wasn’t really when the tide of things turned,’ Kitt was saying. ‘Some of Tomas’s men who’d turned traitor had hidden themselves in plain sight again, when it all started to go wrong for them. In all the confusion, they’d gone back to pretending they were royal guards, started helping to round up their own. But then, when so many of their fellows arrived from the city … It seemed to renew them. So they tried something different.’ Another pause. ‘They got hold of Hana, held a blade to her throat, told Tomas they’d kill her unless he surrendered and gave Terault whatever he wanted.’

Andala let out a curse.

‘But she’s all right?’ Oriane pressed. ‘She’s here?’

‘She’s the reason we’reallhere,’ Kitt said. Pride coloured his voice, and a little awe. ‘Hana got us out of there. Caused an almighty distraction that gave us a chance to escape.’

‘How?’ Andala asked.

‘I …’ The heat of Kitt’s blush was almost radiating from him. ‘Well, a while ago, I told her about what we’d done to help you escape, Oriane – the device I rigged up to blow that window in the hall. I know I probably shouldn’t have. But Hana swore she’d never tell Tomas. Anyway – as soon as she got free of her chambers after we’d taken back the palace, she went to my rooms and found the remainder of the explosive agent I’d used. She hid the packet in her sleeve, just in case it came in handy – and it came in handy, all right. As soon as they grabbed her and started threatening Tomas, she started fighting like a wild thing. And the moment she got free of their hold, she threw that packet down and blasted half the hall to hell.’315

Oriane marvelled internally at Hana’s daring. She glanced to the side; Kitt wore a grin that lit up his face in the deepening twilight.

‘It caused absolute mayhem. The three of us managed to slip away without anyone following. Tomas thinks he should have stayed, but they would surely have killed him. Nobody but Terault’s followers would really have been safe there after that.’ Kitt’s voice tightened. ‘The palace is his now.’

At last, they reached the edge of the woods. The buildings of Fenbrook glowed brightly at the end of the path that led back to the village. They walked as quickly as they could without drawing undue attention, passing the handful of villagers still celebrating outside. Oriane averted her eyes. Just a few weeks ago she might have wanted to meet them, join them. But if they knew who she was, that it was she who’d taken their light away for so long … they would despise her, possibly even fear her.

She wondered distantly, hollowly, how it had all come to this.

‘Where are the king and Hana?’ Andala murmured to Kitt beside her.

‘The man you escaped with – I asked him if he could find them a quiet room, somewhere they wouldn’t be seen or recognised. He seemed trustworthy.’

‘He is.’

Kitt glanced at her sidelong. ‘Is he—’

‘I’ll explain later,’ Andala said tightly. ‘Come on—’

‘That’s a pretty dress, love!’

Kitt stumbled as a swaying man pushed past him. A tankard of ale spilled over in one loose hand as he made a beeline for Oriane, eyes focused vaguely on her half-ruined golden gown. She stepped back uncertainly.

‘You celebratin’ the sun, too?’ he slurred. ‘You got the right look—’316

‘Step back from her, Gabe,’ Andala said loudly, suddenly appearing between Oriane and the drunken stranger. ‘It’s rude to get that close to somebody you don’t know.’

The man – Gabe – stopped short, more ale slopping from his mug. He squinted at Andala, clearly trying to place her. Then his eyes widened. ‘Andala?That you?’

Andala waved a sardonic hand, though Oriane could see the other was clenched in a fist at her side. ‘It’s me,’ she said evenly. ‘Though I’m surprised you can see anything through that haze of drink you’ve got around you. Back on the bottle again?’

To Oriane’s surprise, the man looked chastised immediately, a wash of guilt sobering his expression. ‘Only tonight, love, I promise it is. Only for the celebration—’

‘Good,’ Andala cut across. ‘Then Gandry will be pleased to have you home now that you’re done celebrating, won’t he?’

Gabe nodded. He was clearly making a valiant effort to stay upright. ‘I’ll go right now. And I’ll tell him you’re here! He’s missed you, love, we both have. I’ll tell him you said hello.’ He set down the tankard with great care on the path beside him, waved, then staggered off towards the houses at the far end of the village.

Oriane saw the steel in Andala’s eyes soften as she watched him go. ‘Please do,’ she murmured, even though he couldn’t have heard.

‘Andala—’ Kitt began.

‘Let’s get inside,’ she said, turning resolutely back towards the inn. ‘You were right, Kitt. We need to run. But first we need to figure out where to go.’

317The Book and Bottle was a hive of heat and noise and movement.

Oriane had never been to an inn before, of course. Earlier today, it had been empty, and she had hung back awkwardly by the door, watching as Andala greeted her family. Now, the inn was a whirlwind. People laughed and danced and moved about and talked at the tops of their voices. Glasses and tankards were raised and brought together. Musicians played in one corner; a man held a wooden flute to his lips, just like the one her father had once made.