Underadvantages,I write:
Feel more normal, like other people
Talk easier to people
Don’t feel so anxious
Relieve stress
Don’t feel
Be alone
Under disadvantages, I write:
Making sure no one knows
I listen to everyone scratching away. Fran is on her phone. She looks briefly at my sheet.
“Those aren’t headaches,” she murmurs. “They’re hangovers.”
I ignore her. This istedious.
I grit my teeth and tell myself to play nice and just get through it and move down the sheet toNOT usingandNOT doing.
In the grid foradvantages,I write:
My family wouldn’t be mad at me anymore.
Amber would be my friend.
Maybe I wouldn’t have lost Dylan.
I wouldn’t feel so tired all the time.
I would remember more things, like homework (or Dawn).
I pause, thinking. Then, in very tiny letters, probably too small for anyone to read, I write,the videowouldn’t have happened.
In the grid fordisadvantages,I write:
I would feel anxious all the time again.
School would be harder.
I don’t know how to feel.
I can’t handle stress.
No one will be my friend/won’t go to parties.
I don’t know how to feel.
Lonely or lonelier
Then I write,This is the most ridiculous test I have ever taken and whoever wrote it sucks completely and 4-ever.I draw a smiley face with Xs for eyes and an arrow through its head.