Page 46 of The Glass Girl

Backyard. Oh, cold air, so good on my face. Then

Sick, sick, sick.

Everything comes up, up, up, and there is Lemon’s friend with the gray tooth.Gross.

That’s what he says.Gross.

He calls me gross and he does not help me.

I have to get away from him.

Back in house, stomach hurts.

Where is Kristen? Is that her? Gauze still over my eyes.

Oh, there is Lemon. Across the room.

He has his phone out—maybe he can drive me.

Wait, no. Can he? Is he fifteen and six months like you have to be to drive here?

Wait, no, it was Lemon’s friend who drove us here.

I don’t like him.

Maybe Kristen can Uber us to her house.

I can’t find her.

Push, push, push, through bodies to get to Lemon.

Bodies push back. Stomach twirls.



There they are

Corner. Kissing. DylanWillow­DylanWillow.

Her hands in his hair. His hands on her jeaned hips.

And I am a thousand things all at once none of them good.

I am a million things bursting into flame.

You’re too much.

Why are they here Why can’t they leave me alone

Why is he staring at me now when he was kissing her just then

Why is he talking to me What is he saying