Frankie’s family all knew the good news within an hour. It was timeto tell Mitch’s. He came over to her house after they were done with work and they FaceTimed with his, announcing to one and all that they were officially a couple.
“About time,” said one of his sons.
Yes, it was, but Frankie knew she wouldn’t have been ready for a lasting love relationship any sooner. “It’s also the right time,” she said to Mitch after they ended the visit.
He hesitated a moment, rubbed the side of his nose, a sure sign he was working up to saying something.
“What?” she prompted.
“It’s stupid,” he said, brushing away whatever he’d been about to say.
“Tell me.”
He shrugged, embarrassed. “I made a promise to Ike.”
“What? When?”
“Not when he was alive. After. I mentally vowed I’d watch out for you, always have your back. Not that you needed it. You’ve done fine.”
“I needed the emotional support,” she said, “and you gave it. You’ve always been there for me.”
“I liked Ike. A lot.” He smiled. “And I liked you. More and more as I watched how strong you were after he died, how determined to keep moving on.”
“Only in some areas,” she said.
“I know there were times you were hurting, but seeing how you could set that aside to focus on the people you care about, the things you care about—your shop, this town—how could I not fall completely for you? You are an amazing woman.”
“Amazing, huh?” That was a little over the top, but she liked how the compliment felt anyway.
“Yeah, amazing,” he said, and kissed her.
One kiss wasn’t enough, so of course, she came back for seconds. And thirds. It felt so good to be wrapped in strong arms, to feel sensations she never thought she’d feel again and, even more, to feel a connection so strong she knew nothing would break it. To be loved was truly the greatest gift of all.
“We are definitely getting a ring come Valentine’s Day,” he informed her. “And don’t make me wait forever while you plan a wedding.”
“I don’t need a big wedding,” she said. “Been there, done that.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” he asked.
“Good question. I don’t know.”
“Okay, ring for New Year’s, and we go to Vegas for Valentine’s Day.” He saw her frown. “No, forget that. We get married here and invite our families.”
She beamed. “Yes! Chocolate and champagne for all.”
Adele was on board with the idea when she took Frankie and Stef and Natalie out to lunch to celebrate the next day. She insisted on hosting the wedding.
“Red and white roses everywhere,” Natalie said dreamily.
“And a heart-shaped cake,” Stef said, smiling. “I’ll take care of the cake. I am going to be maid of honor, right? Or is it matron? Divorced matron? Whatever.”
“You and Natalie both,” Frankie said, smiling at her daughter. “We’re not having a big wedding, so you two won’t have many duties.”
“Other than throwing a big shower and inviting all of Carol,” said Natalie.
“I don’t think either of our places are big enough to hold everyone who’ll want to come to that,” Stef said. “We might have to see about renting a room at Sips. Or the VFW hall.”
“Maybe that will be big enough,” Natalie joked.