“Yeah, we should remain friends for another ten years, at least,” he mocked, and she stuck her tongue out at him.
“I still want to get you something. Come on,” he said, and led her inside. “What about this?” he asked, pointing to a delicate diamond infinity necklace with white gold.
It was lovely, but she balked. “It looks expensive.”
“You saying you’re not worth it?” he teased. “How much?” he asked Sam, the shop owner.
“It’s actually on sale,” said Sam.
“On sale,” Mitch said to Frankie. “Can’t resist a sale, right? I’ll take it,” he told Sam.
“Oh no,” Frankie said. “All I have for you is cookies.”
“Your cookies are priceless,” Mitch assured her.
Next thing she knew she was wearing a new necklace out of the shop. “I love it,” she said, hugging Mitch’s arm.
“Don’t forget what it stands for,” he said, and smiled down at her.
He dropped her off at Holiday Happiness, giving her a quick kiss before confirming he’d be over that night to pick up the cookies that she’d made for him. And to pick up where they’d left off.
“You were gone a long time,” Adele observed from her post at the register as Frankie drifted into the shop.
“I was with Mitch,” Frankie said, and joined her.
“Ah,” Adele said knowingly.
“Ah is right,” Frankie said, beaming. She held out the necklace so her mother could see. “We are now officially a couple.”
“About time,” said Adele, and hugged her. “That is lovely. When can I start telling all my friends?”
“Anytime. It’s not going to be a secret for long.”
Adele nodded to the back of the shop where Elinor was busy marking the ornaments with the year’s date on them down to half price. “I’ll wait until you’ve told her.”
Frankie felt some of her elation turning to lead and settling in the direction of her stomach. It had to be done. She took a deep breath, then went to join Elinor.
Elinor smiled in greeting. “Almost done,” she said.
She was a nice woman and a good employee. Maybe, after Frankie had delivered her news, she’d be neither.
“Elinor, I have some news to share.”
Elinor regarded her with an expectant smile.
“About Mitch.”
Elinor looked so eager, so ready for her own happy ending, one Frankie had unwittingly helped her believe in. Frankie felt bad for her. And more than a little guilty.
But not bad or guilty enough to give up Mitch.
“About Mitch and me.” If only she could find some way to coat the words with emotional anesthetic. There was no way.Make the cut and make it quickly.“We’re together.”
Elinor’s eyebrows took a dip, and two worry lines formed between them. “Together?” she repeated as if trying out a foreign language.
“We’re a couple.”