Page 55 of Power's Fall

Dahlia’s eyes widened. “Shut up.”

Montana chuckled. “That was probably the most dangerous mission, except for…”

“Except for?” Dahlia prompted.

“One of my roommates, Tate, helped set up a surprise wedding for a trinity.”

Vadisk frowned. “That doesn’t sound dangerous at all.”

“You’d have to know this trinity. One of the partners was the guy who tried to blow up the Harbor. And he was the sanest of the three of them.”

Dahlia laughed, clearly thinking Montana was joking, but Vadisk didn’t think he was.

“Must be something in the water in America because I worked with one of your members during a rescue mission,” Vadisk recalled. “Woman was seriously some sort of super-villain. I thought we were all going to die. Selene, I think her name was.”

Montana started laughing. “She was the bride in the surprise wedding.”

Vadisk’s eyes widened. “No shit. The bomber, Luca, and Selene got married?”

“Yeah, to a guy named Oscar.”

“I know Oscar.” Vadisk grinned. “We went in to rescue him and Luca.”

“Apparently, Oscar’s the batshit crazy one,” Montana said.

“Agree to disagree on that. I’ve met the guy. And Selene…” Vadisk shuddered, then reconsidered his previous comment. “That surprise weddingwasa dangerous mission. If we decide to reside in America, we wouldn’t live anywhere near them, would we?” Because if so, Vadisk had just found his line in the sand when it came to which side of the ocean they’d be residing on.

Montana snorted. “No. America is a big place. We’ll make sure to give them a wide berth.”

Vadisk nodded. “Good.”

“I guess there are still a lot of things we need to decide about our future.” Dahlia stepped away from them, bending down to smell one of the brightly colored flowers lining the path.

“As well as things we don’t know about each other,” Montana added.

Vadisk was tempted to reach out to place his hand on Montana’s shoulder. “Maybe so, but last night felt like a good start.” He wanted him to understand how much it meant that he’d trusted the two of them to share such a painful part of his past.

Montana gave him a grateful smile as Dahlia rejoined them.

She looked around, as if confirming what Vadisk already knew. No one was near them on the path.

“So why don’t we start now?” she suggested. “With something easy.”

“Like?” Montana asked.

Dahlia wiggled her eyebrows. “Usually at the beginning of new relationships, couples share their romance histories. And while I’m interested in that, particularly Vadisk’s history with…” She was looking at Vadisk, and appeared to be weighing her next words. She shook her head, smiling. “I’m more curious about your sexual preferences.”

Montana barked out a loud laugh.

Vadisk chuckled. “Going straight for the jugular.”

“You aren’t the only one who feels outnumbered in this relationship, Vadisk.” She pointed at the two of them, then herself. “Two against one, I believe you said.”

Vadisk recalled placing himself in the role of being the one against the two of them without considering Dahlia was in the same boat. “You’re right. Do you have concerns about that?”

“Are you sorry you weren’t placed with a wife?” Montana asked before she could answer Vadisk’s question.

Dahlia shook her head. “No, I’m not concerned about being odd woman out. I mean, I am bi and I’ve had affairs with women, but I’m very happy with our trinity. Just as I would have been fine with one that included a husband and a wife.”