Dahlia pulled her hand from his, brushing droplets of water off her pants. The smile that had been there mere seconds ago was now absent. “You’re going to have to sleep in a different room tonight.”
Montana panicked for a second, afraid he’d somehow offended her.
Before he could ask what he’d done, she added, “Because I’m drunk and horny.”
While the words were funny, none of them were in the right state of mind to laugh.
Instead, Vadisk growled, Montana subtly attempted to adjust his pants—because fuck his dick was rock-hard right now—and Dahlia clenched her thighs together, her hands gripping her knees tightly.
She grimaced. “I’m never going to be able to sleep if I don’t take care of this situation.”
“Dahlia,” Vadisk started. It was clear from their husband’s tone that he was about to give them his blessing to start the honeymoon…without him.
Montana shook his head, ready to set Vadisk straight, but Dahlia beat him to the punch.
“We’re not having sex without you. That’s not fair to you and not how I want to start our marriage. I want our first time to beourfirst time,” she said, pointing from her to Montana to Vadisk. “All of us together.”
“I want that too,” Montana said, throwing her his support. “Separate rooms might not be a bad idea. Just for tonight.” He hadn’t consumed much wine, so he couldn’t blame his own out-of-control arousal on alcohol.
His condition had been caused by them, plain and simple.
While Vadisk didn’t say as much, it was clear he was feeling the same painful needs. He fell silent for a moment, and Montana could almost see the wheels spinning in his head.
“What are you thinking?” Montana asked him.
“You aren’t sleeping in separate beds,” Vadisk said at last, gruffly.
“I can’t—” Dahlia started.
“You can.” Vadisk’s tone was sharp, though Montana thought the heat was based more on sexual frustration than anger. “We’ve both scanned the villa countless times for bugs and cameras.”
Montana nodded. “We have.”
Vadisk rubbed his beard, looking at both of them with pure lust in his gaze. It appeared their husband was very close to hitting his breaking point. “The two of you haven’t done a very good job establishing yourselves as a couple.”
Dahlia frowned. “We didn’t want to hurt you, to make you feel left out.”
Vadisk cast his gaze toward Montana, who grimaced. “You’re right. We haven’t.”
“We’re going to change that tonight,” Vadisk replied confidently.
Montana tilted his head, curious. “How?”
“We’re going to get showers,” Vadisk explained, “and get ready for bed.” He glanced out the window. Night had fallen, painting the world in darkness outside, but more than that. A storm had rolled in, the moon hidden behind thick, dark clouds. The rain that had started just as they’d returned home to the villa was now coming down hard. “You’re going to get into your bed and then…” He paused for a moment. “Wait for me.”
“Wait for you?” Montana whispered. “Vadisk?—”
He cut him off. “I can’t be with you, not physically. It’s too fucking dangerous. If I crawl into that bed, my focus will be solely on you, and I can’t let that happen. So I’m going to stand guard by the door…and I’m going to watch.”
“Watch,” Dahlia whispered hungrily.
“I can’t imagine anyone is outside on a night like tonight. Even if they are, the curtains in your room are closed. It will be good for the two of you to become more comfortable with each other if we plan to sell the idea of you being a couple. And if anyone breaks in, I’ll be right by the door, able to protect us.”
“Is this a two birds, one stone sort of thing?” Dahlia was grinning, still enjoying the aftereffects of the wine.
Vadisk nodded. “I can’t join you, can’t be too far away from the door in case I need to move fast, but I can still be a part…even if I can’t touch.”