“Grand Master, does that work for you?” Eric asked.
“Yes, we send in a team of three. A trinity.” Juliette blinked, something clearly having just occurred to her.
After a second of consideration, Franco knew what she was going to say next.
“There was a time,” Juliette said slowly, “when each of my newly formed trinities was given a task.”
Eric’s brows rose.
“Our marriages are a little different,” Juliette went on. “Our trinities meet, and then have a month before they come back to get married. Sometimes, I give them a task to complete during that time. Those trinities are some of the strongest in our society.”
Nikolett sucked in an audible breath.
“Are you proposing we arrange a marriage?” Eric asked.
“I think it’s worth considering. We’re sending a trinity. And this would be an opportunity to test the other thing we talked about, Fleet Admiral.”
Franco could feel Colum looking at him, so he slanted the other man a glance that promised he’d fill him in later, since it seemed like Juliette and Eric weren’t ready to make it public.
“No,” Nikolett said, sounding alarmed. “Vadisk is mine.”
Eric ignored the Hungary admiral, still looking at Juliette. “What would we tell them when we arrange the marriage?”
“We tell them that, once their task is done, they choose where they’ll live.” Juliette was picking each word with care.
Eric grinned and sat back, arms folded. “We arrange a marriage, give the new trinity a task, and when they’re done, they decide where they live and which society they’re members of going forward.”
“Eric, no!” Nikolett slashed a hand through the air. “It would be two against one, and Vadisk will be forced to switch to the Trinity Masters.”
“Not necessarily,” Juliette said.
Nikolett was watching Eric. “Vadisk is not yours to marry off.”
Eric’s jaw clenched. “I’m the fleet admiral.”
“Fine. Vadisk is already promised.” Nikolett raised her chin. “To two other people in my territory. I just hadn’t told you yet.”
“I have veto rights over all marriages,” Eric said in a low, warning voice. “So if you weren’t lying, which you are, then I veto Vadisk’s marriage.”
Nikolett bared her teeth. “I need Vadisk.”
“Admiral.” Eric’s voice was like the rumble of thunder.
Nikolett’s jaw clenched, but she inclined her head once and then sat back in her chair. Franco and Colum exchanged a glance, and then Franco looked to his spouses, who were watching the Masters’ Admiralty power struggle the way cats watch birds.
The tension broke when Juliette rose to her feet. “Let’s call Vadisk, Montana, and Dahlia and congratulate them on their upcoming nuptials. Then give them their assignment.”
Vadisk watched his husband and wife stride onto the tarmac and wondered again how he’d ended up here.
A week and a half ago, he’d gotten the call that fucked up his life.
He was married.
To two Americans.
And he was probably going to have to leave the Masters’ Admiralty to move to America with them and…learn to be a cowboy? Fuck.