The shadows draw closer. Where in the skies is Elias? Of course, when he and his big fists and murderous demeanor might actually come in handy, he’s not here.
Something cold brushes past me, and I feel as if my neck has been plunged into pure snow. I dart around the fire—kicking at it to get air on the embers. They flare for a moment, then fade. But not before I see what hides in the dark.
Stay calm. Elias and I fought these things out in the desert east of Serra. Taking off their heads kills them. Too bad I have a dagger with no reach instead of a scim.
Invisibility will not fool them. All I can do is run. I kick the embers intothe faces of the wraiths, and as they screech, I bolt through an opening in the trees. I feel them behind me, all around me, and lash out with my dagger. They fall back—and I have a few more inches, a few more seconds.
Did the Nightbringer send them?You fool, Laia. Did you think he would just let you get away?
Through the gasps of my breathing and the crunch of brush beneath my boots, I hear a creek. Most fey creatures hate water. I tear toward the sound, slipping on the wet rocks, only stopping when I am midstream, with the water at my knees.
“Come out, little girl.” The wraiths speak as one, their words high and reedy, as if a winter gale out of the Nevennes has been given voice. “Come out and meet your doom.”
“Why don’t you come in here?” I snarl. “You ragged bastards could use a bath.”
The blue starlight throws the shadows emerging from the woods into sharp relief. A dozen wraiths, at first. Then two dozen. Then more than fifty, their shredded clothing fluttering in a nonexistent wind.
They could have rushed me in the woods. Ambushed me. But they did not. Which means they want me alive.
Think!There is a reason the wraiths are here and it is not to kill me.Brazen it out, then, Laia. And hope to the skies you aren’t wrong. Without warning, I sprint through the water toward them.
I expect them to move. Instead they catch me and squeeze.Bad idea, Laia. Very bad idea.
Impossible cold lances through me and I scream. The chill is all-consuming, and I am certain that this will be a slow death, like being bricked away and knowing you will never escape.
My body seizes, my vision flashes to a vast sea, dark and teeming. Then to the River Dusk. I see it from above, the way a bird would. I follow its serpentine path through the Waiting Place. But there is something wrong. The river disappears, rotting at the edges. There are no ghosts winding among the trees. Instead, screams echo in the air and there are faces in the water. Thousands of them, trapped. The air grows ponderous, and I turn to face a maelstrom of teeth and sinew, obscenely violent. A maw that is never satisfied.
But it will not have me.No!Though the images I saw still reverberate in my skull, I have enough sense to lash out with my blade, dodging the shadows as they reach for me.
They want my screams, I realize. They want my pain.
“You cannot have it,” I roar at them. “You can have my wrath instead. My hate.”
“Laia—” Elias’s voice calls from somewhere on my right, and the wraiths chitter and draw back.
“She doesn’t belong here, Soul Catcher,” they say. “She is not dead.”
“Neither do you.” Elias’s words make me shudder, for they are delivered in the flat, cold voice of the Soul Catcher. Of a Mask. “Leave.”
He gathers his magic—I feel the air tighten around me. The wraiths recoil and I dart through them.
“Go, Elias!” I shout when I’m within reach of him. “Windwalk! Now!” His arms close around me and we are away.
I shiver from the cold still in my bones and press into him, desperate for his warmth. He moves so quickly that I close my eyes so I am not sick. The maelstrom circles in my head, ever devouring, and I have to tell myself that I am safe.
Safe. Safe. Safe.I chant the word to the throb of Elias’s heartbeat. The rhythmic thud is a reminder that despite his vow and his magic, his detachment and his distance, he is still human. By the time he slows, I have the sound memorized.
The scent of the Duskan Sea cuts through the air first, and then the dull roar of the waves. Seagulls call out, and far to the east, the sun burns away a heavy cloud bank.
We have traveled hundreds of miles. He got what he wanted after all—me out of his territory. As soon as we are free of the trees, he releases me. I crash to the earth, scraping my hand on a tree trunk trying to get my balance.
“The wraiths are far away.” Elias looks northwest, where a Martial guard tower looms atop a hill of dead grass. “But they might track you. Get to a human settlement quickly. When it’s full light, you’ll be safe to travel again.”
“I saw something, Soul Catcher,” I say. “An ocean filled with—skies, I do not know. And faces. Trapped faces within the River Dusk. I saw that—that maelstrom, and it wanted to devour me and you and—”
“And everything else.” Elias glances down at me, and those pale eyes I learned to love darken. Some unfathomable emotion flickers across them, an echo of who he was.