Page 12 of Saving His Sunshine


Because there’s more to him than you let yourself believe,a little voice whispers. And darn it all, that little voice is right. It’s also right when it demands that I admit that I want to uncover every hidden facet.

But that scares the crap out of me. He’s a freaking firefighter—a gorgeous one at that. I’m a snarky baker still trying to figure out how to let people in. We’re polar opposites. And yet…there’s a reason I spent all night tossing and turning, thinking about him. There’s a reason he’s here right now.

I startle when Leia suddenly claps her hands together. "Well, we should probably get going. Lots to do today!" She flashes me a pointed look.

Panic rises in my throat when I glance around and realize the guys have finished placing the countertop and my sisters are cleaning off their paint rollers. Jeez. How long was I standing there, staring into space?

"No, stay! I could really use the help." I aim for nonchalance, but it comes out slightly desperate.

Colter chuckles as if he’s on to me, wrapping an arm around Leia's waist. "Sorry, little sis. We gotta be at the arena soon. There’s a game next week, you know."

“Yeah. We have things to do.” Leia smirks at me. “Have fun.”

One by one, my sisters and their husbands make flimsy excuses and file out, leaving me gaping after them.

Alessandro saunters over, amusement dancing in his warm brown eyes. "You really thought that would work, huh?"

"Yes," I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

The deep timbre of his laughter sends shivers down my spine. Good lord. It should really be criminal to laugh like that. Actually, everything about him should be criminal. It’s really not fair for him to walk around being so hot and perfect while the rest of us are freaking mortal. Rude, baby Jesus.Rude.

Tipping my head, I meet his gaze, and the laughter dies on his lips. His eyes darken, his expression heating.

I grasp for something to say, and land on what Gemma told me. "Did you really save that elderly woman out in Granite Hills?”

Something flickers in his expression, gone too quickly for me to read. "It wasn’t just me, Heidi. The whole squad deserves the credit."

“You almost died trying to get Rivin out,” I whisper.

“I did what I was supposed to do, angel. We don’t leave men behind, not even our dogs.” His jaw tightens, his gaze shifting from mine as if he’d rather not talk about it.

But in that moment, I see past the silent bravado to the man beneath. A man who would risk everything for his dog, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.

I misjudged him last night. By a lot.

The realization both thrills and terrifies me.

“Alessandro, I…” I grasp for a suitable apology. “I’m a jerk,” I say simply.

“Nah, angel,” he says quietly. “You were right. I should have been keeping a closer eye on him. He could have been hurt, and it would have been on me. You were right to call me on it.”

“I didn’t have to be a bitch about it,” I whisper, feeling guilty.

“You were passionate. There’s a difference.” He narrows his eyes on me. “Don’t insult yourself. I don’t like it.”


He pops the lid on the box he set on the worktable, holding out a kolache. The sweet aroma wafts between us. "Peace offering?"

“You brought me kolaches?” I stare up at him, shocked.

“Figured since my asshole dog ate yours…” His dimples flash as he grins. “Here, take it.”

I take it and my fingers brush his, sending a jolt up my arm. He feels it too and mutters a curse. I quickly bite into the soft dough, hoping to hide the way my cheeks burn. Flavors burst on my tongue, and my eyes widen in surprise. "Holy crap,” I mutter around the bite in my mouth. “This is actually good. Did you make these?"

Alessandro's booming laughter fills the bakery. "Surprised?"