“Your ex-high school sweetheart is a billionaire, sweetie.”
A strange sensation washes over my entire body. I think it’s called shock, but the cold sweat and tingling feeling that follows are unnerving, to say the least. There are no words. My mouthhas fallen open, like a dark entrance to a cave, and I can only gawk at Mel in astonishment.
Eventually, my mouth works again. “What?”
Mel smirks. “It’s the truth. He invested a lot of money into the town, and from what I hear, he has built quite the portfolio. He has land all over the place now. He rents it out. Or buys it for a steal and then sells it. He’s gotten really good at what he does.”
I fall back into the sofa and try to get my brain to work. At the moment, it’s a complete blank, like a white canvas sitting before an artist readying to paint. When the thoughts come, though, they’re not really anything I’d want to admit out loud. I’m ashamed to say that all I can think about is how well he’s done compared to me.
I was the one who left to make something of myself. While I was in the city, clawing my way up the corporate ladder, Jake hasn’t moved an inch and is a hundred times more successful. And then I think back to meeting him earlier, and I’m confused.
“But when I saw him in the store, he didn’t look any different.”
Mel nods. “Jake’s like that. He’s settled for the simple life.”
“I’d hardly call being a billionaire a simple life,” I reply sarcastically.
“Maybe not in the way you mean. But to us, he’s just the same old Jake. You could walk by him and never know what he’s worth. Even with all his money, he still works on the ranch. He’s just, well, Jake.”
It’s all I have. I mean, how are you supposed to react to something like that? The last time I spoke to him—I mean, apart from the grocery store saga—was ten years ago. And when I say “spoke,” I mean yelled and screamed.
We’re two different people now. Clearly. But in my craziest dreams, I would never have imagined Jake would make it beforeme. Not that I’ve made it at all. Sure, I have some money in the bank, but a billion? No!
An hour later, after I’d managed to slide the conversation as far away from Jake Coulter as possible, I finally say goodbye to Mel and head back to the house. This goodbye was easier. Usually, our farewells are long and drawn out because I don’t know how long it will be until I see her again. But I’m not leaving town this time. A paradox of emotional contradictions.
After dinner, which is a repeat of lunch, I need an escape. I decide to take a bath before spending my first night in the barn, which sounds far worse than it is. The bath solves two problems—I need something warming, soothing, and relaxing, and it gives me some alone time.
Armed with a huge, fluffy towel, I’m about to take the first step on the stairs when there’s a knock on the door.
“I’ll get it,” Mom says.
Well, it is their house. It’s hardly going to be for me.
I’m halfway up the stairs when Mom calls out. “Tilly, there’s someone here to see you.”
Frowning, I pad back down the stairs. Walking toward the front door, my stomach lurches as Mom opens it wider. There, on my parents’ front doorstep, stands Bryan, tailored suit and all.
I still can’t believeit, and as I head back to the ranch with Elsa beside me, my mind is running a mile a minute.
First of all, I had no idea that Tilly was in town. I know she comes to see her parents every couple of months, but our paths have never crossed. In the beginning, I imagined they would, but after ten years, today is the first time I’ve seen her.
I’ll admit it: she did look good.
My mind wanders back to days I’ve long forgotten. Days when we were happy. I knew I wanted to be with her forever. As we shared our final year together, I had already mapped out the future for us.
I thought Tilly wanted the same things. We were the golden couple, destined for eternity. It’s how our friends saw us and, to be honest, what I believed, too. Nothing could come between us, and a few had tried and failed.
Prom night was a blast. She couldn’t have looked any more beautiful, and I couldn’t have been prouder to have her on myarm. Of course, we were crowned prom king and queen. It was an amazing night and an amazing time in our lives. I still don’t know where it all went wrong. But it did.