“Yes. Yes, of course,” I say, the excitement now taking over the astonishment. “I just didn’t expect it so soon.”
“I know,” she gushes. “But the position opened up, and I just had to put you in for it. I hope I didn’t do the wrong thing.”
“No. Not at all,” I reply, still reeling.
I’ve been employed by Avant for the last six years. Like everyone else, I started at the bottom and worked my way up. As it happens, I have a flair for advertising, and so I’ve made great leaps and bounds, as well as lots of money for my company’s clients. My promotions were the main thing that bothered Bryan so much.
“It has a time limit, Tilly,” Sharron says. “If you want it, you need to be back in the office. Besides, I need you.”
I can hear the smile in her voice, and I smirk. I like Sharron. She’s a good boss, and from the moment I was promoted to her team, we hit it off.
“Okay,” I say. “But can I call you back? I have a thing…”
“Sure. Just don’t leave it too long.”
When the call ends, I stare at the phone like I’ve never seen one before. I just can’t believe it. I imagined I wouldn’t get near that job for at least another year. It’s nearly twice my current pay, and I’d be doing what I love.
A movement at the corner of my eye makes me glance up, and I see Jake thundering across the field some distance away. As I watch him ride, my excitement wanes, and an inner turmoil begins.
If I take the promotion, I’ll have to give up on any hope of us being together. The city’s too far away. It just wouldn’t work. And while it is a fantastic opportunity, something has happened to me over the last few weeks. Feelings that I can’t ignore have been resurrected, not that my heart would let me ignore them even if I wanted to.
But I don’t want to. If there’s a chance to be happy, shouldn’t I at least try? There will always be other jobs, but there will never be another Jake. Or am I nuts to give up this offer?
What about Bryan? If you go back to the city, he’ll follow you there, and you know it.
Of course he will. And I won’t have the excuse that I’m married anymore to deter him.
Besides, I’ve enjoyed my return to the country life, the slower lane. Though the fact that I’ve been able to spend most of my time with Jake has a lot to do with that. I know my feelings have been reignited, and I’m pretty sure Jake’s have, too.
Oh, I need help.
I lift the phone again and send Mel a text.
I haven’t seen Tillythis morning. I figured, as I sat on the porch drinking my coffee, that last night had whacked her out. A lot went on in a short period of time, and she was clearly exhausted last night.
Admittedly, I was disappointed that she went to bed early. After our conversation at the hoedown, I still felt there were things that needed to be said. Besides, neither of us had mentioned that kiss, and I figured that I should address it, seeing as it was me who initiated it.
In truth, I wanted to know Tilly’s feelings. We’d only skimmed the surface when we took that stroll, though what she said did open my eyes. I had no idea she had been feeling so trapped. Not once had she ever mentioned it to me. In fact, during all the time we spent together—which was a lot—she always looked so happy and content.
But I get it. And she was right. If she had said anything to me, being the immature kid I was back then, I would have tried toconvince her to stay. I also know it would have been for selfish reasons. I didn’t have the capacity to understand how she felt and probably wouldn’t have seen it from her point of view.
It was also nice to hear her apologize after all these years. I’d long past accepted the fact that I’d neither get an explanation nor hear her say she was sorry. But none of that seems to matter anymore. It mattered back then, but not now.
Now, I’m more interested in the future than the past. And after everything that’s happened, I suppose I want to know where we both stand. Things started out a little icy—well, okay, it was more like a blizzard—but of late, I reckon we’ve been enjoying a heatwave.
An outsider might say that we’ve been getting along because we’ve known each other for so long, but I don’t see it like that. There has to be more to it. We’ve shared some moments, and I’ve seen her eyes dancing when she’s looked at me. Besides, she wasn’t exactly averse to that kiss, either, right?
But with Tilly sleeping in, there’ll be no talking this morning, so I suppose there’s little else for me to do but get some work done.
At lunch, Tilly finds me feeding the pigs.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hi. You get a good night’s rest?”