“Yeah well, I kinda did.” I mumble.
“A litre of ice cream and a bottle of wine can only mean one thing: man troubles, or as the wife says, blow job season.” He smiles.
I stare back at him, clueless.
“Sorry Eric, I don’t understand. What do you mean?” I ask. I’m confused and ever so slightly scared.
“You know, when women are jamming? Carrie at prom, massacre at the Y, decorators are in.” I hold my hand up to pause him.
“Do you mean when a woman is on her period Eric?” I ask.
“Yes. The wife and I call it different names. Helps to spice things up a little.” He smiles.
God, if you can hear me, I know I'm not religious but if you could just strike me down right now that would be just peachy.
“Great talking to you Eric, bye!” I yell over my shoulder and leave quickly.
I make it back home and open the wine and the ice cream. I pick up the phone and call Sally.
“So was it all romantic? Did he swoop you up in his arms and tell you he’s loved you since you first met?” Sally coos down the phone.
“I didn’t tell him.” I mumble with a mouthful of ice cream.
“What do you mean you didn’t tell him?!” She screeches.
“I got there and he was with Amy. He was laughing. He was happy. I wasn’t about to ruin that. I'm still a slight mess. What if it got to it and I just couldn’t commit? Or Gaige felt inferior to Jay? He deserves stability and happiness. I, my dear, don’t come with that guarantee.” I say and shovel more ice cream into my mouth.
“You absolute twat Esme! That is not your decision to make, it’s his. You just shot yourself in the foot.” She sighs.
“Well maybe it’s for the best. I mean, I have the bakery opening soon and if it was meant to be it would happen, right?” I ask.
“Yes fate blah, blah, blah. What ice cream are you eating?” She asks.
“Christ Sally. It’s kind of spooky how well you know me. I'm eating cookie dough and I have a bottle of rosé to wash it down with.” I state.
“Ha-ha good girl! You can’t get anything past me, I know you better than you know yourself.”
We say our goodbyes and I continue to sit and wallow in my self-pity.
The next day Bob is back with more men to get the work done. He is ahead of schedule. He thinks the bakery and apartment will be done in four weeks, which is amazing! He says the kitchen should be done first so I can start cooking as soon as it’s done. It’s exactly what I wanted to hear.
The next couple of days all of my deliveries arrive. I have all of my baking equipment, accessories, and the rest of the furniture for my apartment.
I practice baking and give some to Bob and the guys to try. They all say they’re delicious. I take samples round to the grocery store and The Sunken Ship.
“Oh my days sweetie, these taste delicious! You know who you need to take these to?” Eloise says.
“Who?” I ask.
“Ted! Oh he loves eclairs. He's working now and I'm sure he would appreciate it.” She smiles.
“Okay, sure. I will go there now.” I state.
I hop in the car with butterflies in my stomach. Every time I've been to Ted’s hardware store I've bumped into Gaige. It has been two weeks now and I’d rather not bump into him.
I park up and don’t notice his truck, thank you god. I jump out and head inside. I spot Ted over the far side.
“Ted, I made these. I was told they’re your favourite.” I hand him the box.