I smile.
I decide to go to bed. Gaige offered to sleep on the sofa but I refused and said it would be fine. This time instead of just being in my underwear I’m wearing Gaige’s t-shirt. I climb into bed. I feel my eyes get heavy and soon fall asleep.
Sometime later I feel the bed dip and Gaige leans over and kisses my head.
“Night Esme.” He whispers and lies down.
I smile and drift back off to sleep. The next day I bake some cupcakes, cookies, and brownies just to pass the time.
I make us fajitas for dinner and Gaige makes us a batch of margaritas.
“I feel like we should have a sombrero or at the very least some Mexican music playing in the background.” I point out.
“That can be arranged.” He gets up from his chair. He walks over to a little speaker in his kitchen and Mexican music fills the room.
“Amazing.” I smile.
We finished our dinner and are just talking. I start to feel a happy buzz from the margaritas.
“How about a game of never have I ever?” I ask.
“Okay. Want to make it interesting with tequila shots?” He asks.
“Hell yes, bring on the shots!” I yell.
Gaige smiles and comes back with some limes, salt, tequila, and shot glasses.
“Okay, ladies first.” He says pouring the drink.
“Okay. Never have I ever eaten liver.” I state smiling.
Gaige rolls his eyes, picks up his shot, and downs it.
“Playing it like that are we? Okay then. Never have I ever been married.” He states smiling.
“Bastard.” I smile. I pick up my shot and down it and cough.
“Christ that’s strong.” I murmur.
Gaige refills our shots.
“Okay, my turn. Never have I ever had a threesome.” I wink and laugh.
Gaige downs his drink.
“OH my god! You’ve had a three way?!” I screech.
He shrugs.
“Yeah, many years ago when I was traveling here.” He states.
“And?” I ask.
“A gentlemen never kisses and tells.” He states.
“I think you lost the title of gentlemen when you had that threesome.” I state.
“I'm still not telling you. My turn, never have I ever been to England.” He says smiling.