Page 27 of Tiers of Joy

“That and you being the only woman to have the balls to stand up to this one.” She points her pen at Gaige.

“Thanks for that Eloise. Can you get us two of your famous steak and poutine, a bottle of white wine for Esme, and a light beer for me. I'm driving.” Gaige states.

“Sure thing.” She says with a wink and walks off.

“Hey macho man, did you think that maybe I wanted to order my own food?” I ask.

“Trust me. Wait until you try poutine. It’s the best. If you don’t like it, I will order something else. Deal?” He asks.

“Fine. So you never did say why you moved here at such a young age?” I ask.

He pauses for a moment before answering.

“I moved to get away from my family. My father was all to happy to use his fists on my mother or me. I couldn’t stay a moment longer so I stuffed a bag full of clothes and moved out here.” He answers.

I reach across and place my hand on his.

“I am so sorry, how did you get by? Being so young as well.” I ask.

“I asked around for any labouring jobs. The only one to give me a chance was Tom. He owned the lumber yard. He taught me all that I know. He didn’t have a family, no wife or kids. So when he got sick five years ago and passed away I found out he left the lumber yard to me. I’ve been living here now for fifteen years. Best decision I ever made.” He states smiling.

Eloise brings our drinks. I don’t miss the look in her eye when she sees my hand on Gaige’s.

I ignore it because I couldn’t care less about gossip. I'm comforting a friend, that’s all.

“Tom sounds like he was a good man; I wish I could’ve met him.” I smile sadly.

Gaige smiles and pours the wine for me.

“He was a grumpy old bastard, but I think you would’ve broken through that hard exterior of his.” He states.

“I do have a way of breaking through barriers.” I laugh.

Gaige smiles and I notice he has dimples. He really is a handsome guy. It’s a shame Sally didn’t move with me, she would be all over him like a rash. I smile to myself.

“So come on then, tell me about your family, your childhood. I bet you were a real hellion.” He smiles while taking a drink of his beer.

“Well, I don’t have a family. I did, but my mother died when I was seven.” I state with a tight smile.

I never really talk about my birth mother to anyone. The only people to know the full truth were Sally and Jay.

“Shit Esme.” Gaige says. He looks shocked.

“It’s okay. She was a heroin addict, she was dead for three days before anyone came and found us. I never knew who my father was because she, um, put it about a bit. So I grew up in the care system, moved from foster home to foster home. I got put with a decent family when I turned twelve. I stayed with them until I was eighteen and then Jay and I ran away and got married.” I smile.

Gaige reaches over and takes my hand in his, stroking his thumb soothingly back and forth.

“I'm sorry you ever had to live through that. No child should have to suffer like that.” He says with sadness in his eyes.

“It’s okay. I don’t remember much of it, I think my mind blocked it out. It happened and if it hadn’t I might not have ever met Jay, or Sally, or even be here right now. So I may have lived through some tough times but the happiness and the good I've had definitely make it worth every moment I suffered.” I smile.

“You are a truly amazing person Esme.” Gaige says sincerely.

I shrug.

“I like to think I’m a normal human being. Until I bake that is, then you'll see I am not a normal human being but a baking goddess.” I declare.

“Well I look forward to tasting your baked goods.” He says wiggling his eyebrows.