“Who were you talking too?” He asks.
“My husband.” I answer honestly as I hand him the beer.
“Oh right, when does he get into town?” He asks, walking back to the bedroom.
My steps falter and I go quiet. Gaige turns around, noticing my unusual silence.
“Esme?” He asks.
I point to the urn on the mantle piece. Gaige turns and looks.
“He died of cancer ten months ago. Sorry, I just still like to talk to him sometimes. I like to think that in some way he’s still with me, you know?” I say, blinking back my tears.
“I…I…shit. Sorry Esme, I didn’t know. I saw your wedding band and just assumed he was flying in at a later date or something.” He places his beer down and surprises me by pulling me into his arms. After a second I relax and hug him back, not realising until that moment how much I needed that hug.
We continue to chat about the town and Gaige tells me which locals to avoid and which ones are okay.
We’re soon finished.
“Huh, you didn’t need the instructions.” I state.
“Never do. I build and make stuff for a living, I know how to put a bed together.” He shrugs.
“Alright smart arse.” I roll my eyes.
He helps me put the mattress on and make the bed. I can’t help but squeal and jump on the bed.
“Oh my god! This is sooo comfy. Gaige, get your arse on here and feel how comfy it is!” I pat the space beside me.
He hesitates for a moment and then lays down next to me. I lean up on my elbow.
“It’s comfy, right?!” I asks smiling.
“Yeah it’s comfy.” He smiles back at me.
I jump up.
“Listen, I don’t want to brag but I make a mean can of soup.” I smile.
“Wow now that’s a promise.” He jokes.
I switch on my fairy lights and pull a box over to my new sofa which is still covered in plastic.
“Take a seat on the sofa, I will bring the food in a minute.” I yell from the kitchen.
I carry in the two bowls of soup and place them down, going back for some bread rolls and more beer.
I watch Gaige taste the soup.
“Hmmm. That may be the best damn soup I've ever tasted.” He says smiling.
I smile back.
“You know, I thought you were a real arsehole at first, but the more I get to know you the more I like you.” I say, offering him a bread roll.
“Well, right back at you. I thought you were this posh English girl with no clue. I didn’t think you’d last a day.” He smiles.
“You were bloody horrible to me.” I point out.