Page 18 of Tiers of Joy

“So Esme, here’s the deal…woah there! What did you do?” He asks.

“I tried to clean up the glass and I think a bit got stuck in my hand. It’s bleeding a fair amount.” I shrug.

It’s then I notice tall, dark, and grumpy walk in behind Bob. He sees my hand and walks straight to me. He carefully takes my hand in his and pulls a rag from his back pocket.

“I hope you haven't blown your nose on that.” I scrunch my nose up.

He doesn’t say anything as he carefully wraps the rag around my hand.

“Ow! Son of a twat waffle that hurts.” I wince.

“Well that’s a new word for me. Do they use that often in England?” Bob asks.

“Depends what mood we’re in Bob.” I answer. “So, can you fix it?” I ask him.

“Not right now no, but I can come back tomorrow. I'm told you also want other stuff doing around here?” He states.

Thanks to the towns gossipers he already knew I was going to ask him.

“Yes, I want the whole of downstairs redone. I’m opening a bakery. Of course up here needs a new kitchen too. Ow. Easy!” I state. I look up into tall, dark, and grumpy’s eyes as he ties a knot on the rag.

He turns around to Bob.

“I’m gonna take her to the docs; I reckon she’ll need a stitch in this. You good staying here to price up?” He asks.

“Yeah, yeah, go.” Bob ushers us out.

“Wait what, I'm fine. I have tweezers, I will just pull it out myself. I don’t need to see a doctor.” I try to argue but I'm already being pushed out of the door and downstairs into his truck.

I notice lots of tools in the back.

“You a carpenter then?” I ask.

“Sort of.” He answers vaguely.

“A lumber jack?” I laugh.

“Sort of.” He again answers vaguely.

“Okay I give up, what is it you do?” I ask.

“I own a lumber yard and I also do some carpentry on the side.” He answers.

“Wow okay. That’s like a real alpha manly job. It’s like something out of a romance novel. Except the name would be all macho and alpha. That’s a point, what is your name?” I ask.

“Gaige Knox.” He answers.

I snort with laughter.

“You're kidding me?” I ask.

He shakes his head.

“Well then you have an alpha macho manly name and job. All you need to do now is wear a flannel shirt and walk around with an axe in one hand and throw your woman over your shoulder. You’re a bloody walking talking romance novel!” I ramble on.

“You talk a lot.” He states.

“I only fill awkward silences. It just so happens there are a lot of those with you.” I say crossing my arms.