“He will get here when he gets here. Right now your baby is ready to come. Mother nature waits for no one.” Doc smiles.
“Oh god I need to push. Do I push? What if I shit myself?” I cry.
“You won’t.” Doc reassures.
The urge to push gets stronger and stronger. I try to fight it because I want Gaige here. I don’t want him to miss it. The urge is too strong, I start pushing.
Chapter Thirty-Five
“That’s it, keep pushing!” Doc orders.
I stop. I’ve been pushing for thirty-five minutes now and I’m exhausted.
“I can’t keep pushing. I’m so tired. Maybe this is a false alarm, clearly the baby doesn’t want to come out.” I sigh, flopping back onto the cushions.
“Someone call Gaige, Esme needs to hear his voice. He’ll help encourage her.” Doc asks.
Josie dials Gaige and he answers immediately. I can hear the strong wind whistling down the phone.
“Esme?!” He yells.
I immediately start worrying. Why is he out in this awful and deadly weather?
“Gaige?!” I yell
“I'm on my way. I’ve had to walk. The roads were too dangerous to drive down here. I’m close, I promise.” Gaige says and disconnects.
I look to the others who are also clearly worried. I don’t have too much time to focus on that as another contraction hits. I start pushing.
“That’s it Esme, well done! Keep going, the head is coming.” Doc coaches.
I push with everything I have until I can’t anymore.
“Ow-ow-ow! holy god that burns! Ow-ow-ow!” I cry out.
“The head is out. Now just a few more pushes and you will have your baby Esme.” Doc smiles.
I smile.
“You can do it Esme.” Dawn squeezes my shoulder and Amy squeezes my hand.
I’m about to start pushing when Gaige practically breaks through the door with a bluster of snow following him. He looks like a yeti with the snow all stuck to his clothes and face.
“Gaige!” I cry out.
Amy and Dawn move and Gaige runs to me. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me.
“I’m here. I’m here beautiful.” He whispers across my lips.
I sniffle and smile. I scrunch up my face in pain. Mother nature is clearly not letting us have a moment.
“Esme, come on now. Push.” Doc coaxes.
I bare down and grunt. Just imagine if the Hulk played tennis, it sounds like that. I push for what feels like forever. It honestly feels like someone is ripping me apart.
“That’s it, keep going and going.” Doc cheers.
I flop back down exhausted and the room is suddenly filled with the sounds of a screaming baby.