“Alright you two, enough of the show. Let’s finish opening the presents and get the day started, which of course means eating and drinking too much until we fall asleep on the sofa later.” Sally orders, clapping her hands.
We finish opening our presents. Sally got loads of baby things for us and a very large packet of incontinence pads for me.
“Sally! I will not be incontinent after having this baby!” I protest.
“Honey I have friends that have had kids. They can no longer go on a trampoline. They can’t even sneeze without pure fear that they will piss themselves! Don’t even get me started on coughing. It’s a real thing, You need to do the pelvic floor exercises from that book I got you or your whole uterus will just fall out and your muscles will be no more. You’ll be walking around hearing clapping and it won’t be applause, it’ll be your saggy vagina lips slapping about all over the place.” Sally insists.
I roll my eyes but inside I panic a little. No woman wants a saggy overstretched vagina!
“On that note I’m off to stuff the turkey.” I announce.
I prepare the turkey and put it into the oven, set the timer, and then head to the shower.
Once out of the shower I take a seat in the bedroom and pull out my phone. I call Frank.
“Hello?” He answers.
“Frank, it’s Esme.”
“Oh hello Esme, how are you? Oh and Merry Christmas.” He asks happily.
“I’m good actually Frank. There is something I need to tell you. Well, I thought I should tell you.” I state nervously.
“You’ve met someone.” He states.
“Yes I have but there’s more. I’m pregnant and he proposed to me today and I said yes.” I inform him.
He goes quiet.
“Frank?” I ask.
“Sorry dear, I’m in a bit of a shock. Good shock though. Don’t concern yourself with worry. I am extremely delighted for you! Thank you for telling me although you know you didn’t have too. I appreciate it all the same.” He says politely.
“Well I thought it was important that you should know because, um, well, I want to ask you if you would walk me down the aisle?” I ask nervously.
The line goes quiet.
“Look Frank, it’s completely fine if you don’t want to. It’s just, well, I never had a father and apart from Sally I don’t really have any family. I thought maybe it would be nice having you there. But I see that it’s silly and I get it…”
Frank interrupts.
“I would be honoured to walk you down the aisle. I am just shocked that you see me that way.”
“I, well, we have stayed in contact all this time and you're a good person Frank. Jay loved you. A father giving away his daughter on her wedding day is her moving forward with her life, moving on to the next stage in her life. That’s not too different from what I’m doing.” I say honestly.
“I am beyond honoured that you asked me. As soon as you have things booked you tell me the dates and I will be there.” He promises.
I sigh with relief.
“So you’re pregnant?” He asks.
“Yes. I’m sorry I kept it from you, I wasn’t sure how to tell you. I’m actually due in a few weeks.” I admit, feeling guilty for not telling him.
“I understand. I’m glad you are happy Esme. That is all Jay would have wanted. I’m also glad that you continue to include me in your new life. It makes me feel closer to Jay in some way.” He admits honestly.
I sniffle back my tears, smile and nod.
“Yeah. It feels the same for me too.”