Her eyes flicker, confirming I’m right. “No of course not. Did you not hear? I’m a highly successful psychologist. I have my own books published and had my own show on the radio.” She boasts.
“Yeah HAD being the operative word. You’re penniless and you’re here to milk Gaige for money.” I state.
“This place never disappoints for drama.” A customer mutters behind me.
“I’m not penniless! This is a designer suit!” She huffs.
“Yeah the leftover of what you had when you had money. Take your designer suit and sod off out of my bakery now or you will be wearing a one of a kind frosting as well.” I threaten angrily.
“You wouldn’t dare.” She spits back.
“SHE WOULD.” The entire bakery says back which makes me laugh.
Fiona starts stepping back, edging her way out of the bakery.
“You wait. Gaige will finish with you when I tell him about this.” She threatens, tripping out of the step.
I smile and take aim and fire, covering her in frosting. The entire bakery cheer and chant my name.
I laugh as Fiona wipes her face and stares down at her suit which is now covered in frosting.
“What the hell is going on?!” Gaige barks loudly as he jumps out of his truck.
My smile falls and I bite my lip nervously.
“Oh thank god you’re here. Son, she’s mad. She threatened me and attacked me with her piping bags. Just look at me! It was completely unprovoked, she’s insane!” Fiona lies, acting as the perfect damsel in distress.
I roll my eyes.
“Esme?” Gaige asks.
“I’m sorry Gaige. I did threaten your mother, but only after I caught her telling my customers to shop elsewhere. And I’m sorry, but she’s broke. She is only here for your money.” I say softly.
“That’s just not true! Gaige I swear it’s not true.” She pleads.
“IT IS!” All of the customers and staff have followed and are standing behind me, backing me. They all yell in union.
“Thanks guys.” I whisper back to them.
Gaige looks at me. He knows that what I’m saying is the truth. I have no reason to lie to him about the money situation and he knows me well enough to know that unless someone pissed me off I wouldn’t be standing here, piping bags in hand, kicking someone out of the bakery.
“How broke are you mom?” He asks.
“I…well…I’m, err, $20,000 in debt.” She sighs.
“You know if you had just asked me I would have helped you out and we wouldn’t be in this situation now. I will give you the money.” He pauses.
She smiles and looks up to him.
“But I don’t want to see you ever again. You take the money and don’t contact me. You’re dead to me.” He says coldly.
“But I’m your mother.” She says softly.
“No you’re not. You’ve been out of my life more than you’ve been in it. You stopped being a mother the day you stood by and let my father, your husband, beat the shit out of us. You could have run away with me but you chose him. I met with you and I have forgiven you for that. I gave you a second chance and yet you come here and insult my girlfriend. Actually, she’s not just my girlfriend, but the woman carrying my child. Which, by the way, you haven't even acknowledged the fact she is pregnant! She’s carrying your grandbaby. I will take you back to the house where you will pack up your shit and leave. I will give you the fucking money just to keep you out of my life!” Gaige roars.
Fiona skulks away and gets into Gaige’s truck
The customers behind me cheer like they’re watching a stage show.