“Oh believe me, he did. I mean, what kind of sicko walks into a bakery and asks for a vegan, gluten free, and sugar free cake?!” I ask.
“You're right, my mistake. He seems like a complete dick.” He smiles.
“You want to come in for a cake and coffee? I'm due a break anyway.” I offer.
“I thought you’d never ask.” He smiles.
We turn to go in and Amy, Josie, and the customers are all in the doorway watching us.
“Umm folks, the show is over.” I state. They all quickly scurry back to acting like they weren’t being nosey arseholes.
“What cake do you fancy?” I ask, sliding around the counter.
“Surprise me.” He says.
I bite my lower lip and grab two chocolate and salted caramel muffins.
“I'm taking a break.” I inform the girls as I walk out the back with Tanner.
I make us a coffee and hand him his muffin. I watch as he takes a bite and moans.
“Good?” I ask.
“So good! I can see that dating you is going to be dangerous.” He states.
“Oh, how so?” I ask.
“I'm either going to gain fifty pounds or become a diabetic.” He laughs.
“Well live a little! Life is too boring.” I smile, licking the caramel off of my finger.
If I could see myself now I would wonder who the hell this was; I don’t flirt like this. It’s something about Tanner, it’s like he has this sexual magnetism.
“Well I guess you're right there.” He says as he walks towards me. I hold my breath as he cups my face and kisses me tenderly.
He pulls away slightly.
“I will pick you up at seven tonight. Wear comfortable shoes.” He licks his lips. “Best muffin I’ve ever tasted.” He smiles and leaves.
“Huh?!” I stand still. I’m stunned like a deer caught in headlights.
Amy comes rushing in.
“So?” She asks excitedly.
“He kissed me and told me to be ready at seven tonight and wear comfy shoes.” I whisper.
“Holy hell that’s hot!” Amy says, fanning her face. I nod in agreement.
“Let’s serve these customers so I can lock up and get ready.” I smile.
I’m excited and nervous. Tanner is cocky, smooth, and a little arrogant but he carries it off well. I just want to throw my panties at him and tell him to take me. It’s like he's my celebrity crush. I need to calm myself down.
It's just a date Esme.
I rush around trying to find the right outfit to wear. I'm guessing we’re walking somewhere since he told me to wear comfy shoes. I grab my nice skinny jeans and pair them with a blood red long sleeved body wrap. I chuck on my converse and spritz my hair, leaving it in natural waves. I decide to wear my bright red lipstick to jazz up my outfit a little. It is a date after all. A quick spritz of perfume and I’m done.
There’s a knock at the door. I grab my cute cropped leather biker jacket and a scarf. Even though we’re in April, it’s still cold out.