Huh, I wonder what’s crawled up his arse. I shrug and head home to get ready for my date.
Chapter Thirteen
I video call Sally to ask her which outfit I should wear.
“The deep emerald green long sleeved wrap dress with your cute heeled brown ankle boots.” Sally orders.
“Okay but my legs are going to freeze! It’s still -5 out here and that’s fairly mild.”
“No pain no sex. Have you shaved?” She asks.
“Yes I’ve bloody shaved! Cheeky cow! I'm not going to sleep with him. It’s just a date.” I point out.
“You never know. Now just go and have fun and don’t forget to call me tomorrow to tell me all about it.” Sally demands.
“I will. Bye.” I hang up and get changed.
I put on the green dress and a pair of black tights. Sod what Sally says, she’s not the one that’ll freeze her hoo-ha off in this weather! I style my hair and keep my make up simple.
There’s a knock at the door and I quickly grab my bag and coat and head downstairs.
I open the door to a smiling Wyatt. His eyes do a sweep of my body.
“Esme, you look stunning.” He compliments.
“Thank you.” I say as I lock up. Wyatt takes my hand and leads me to his car.
He drives us to The Sunken Ship which I've learnt is the only place to go locally.
We walk inside and the place is packed out.
“Wow, I don’t think I've ever seen it this busy.” I say as Wyatt takes my coat and hangs it up for me.
“Yeah, there’s live music tonight so everyone in town has come out.” He states. We move through the packed out pub and find a free table.
Eloise comes over and drops off two menus.
“What do you guys want to drink?” She asks, clearly flustered.
“Just a wine for me, please.” I answer.
“Beer please.” Wyatt answers.
“You’re swamped tonight Eloise.” I state.
“You ain’t kidding. With the bad snowstorm the other week folks are desperate to get out and have some fun.” She smiles and leaves.
“So Wyatt, have you lived here your whole life?” I ask.
“Pretty much, I moved here with my family as a child.” He answers.
Eloise comes back with our drinks. She smiles and waves someone over. I turn around and see Gaige with Amy.
“You guys don’t mind sharing a table do you? We’re all out of space.” Eloise asks.
“Sure thing. It’ll be like a double date.” Wyatt smiles.
The worst date ever is about to commence in 3, 2, 1.