I go over to the order of wood and start lifting it into the truck. Bob failed to mention the amount that he ordered. This is going to take me at least twenty minutes to load.
“Let me help you.” He states.
“It’s fine, I've got it. Amy is waiting for you. Go back inside or you'll catch pneumonia.” I puff, carrying the wood to the truck.
“I said let me help you.” He argues back.
“And I said I don’t need your help. Go back inside before you lose a nipple to frost bite.” I snap.
“God you're a stubborn woman! Fine, do it yourself. I don’t give a shit.” He walks off.
“Yeah, I'm a stubborn, lonely widow who refuses to stop loving her dead husband. I can live with that.” I mumble under my breath.
“I apologised for that.”
“Yeah, so it’s all okay. Off you pop. Wouldn’t want your knob to freeze and drop off.” I point.
“God you're infuriating!” He yells.
I smirk and carry on lifting the wood and ignoring him. Eventually he goes back inside. I finish up the load and drive on out of there. Every one of my muscles are aching from lifting all of that wood.
When I return I tell Bob that I’m having a soak in the bath and ask him to keep the guys downstairs. My achy muscles are screaming for it. Bob doesn’t look too impressed. Not by me needing a bath but by Gaige not being there to lift the load onto the truck.
I run myself a nice hot bath with extra bubbles and bath salts. I moan as I sink into the hot soapy water.
“God that feels bloody good.” I moan.
I close my eyes and feel my body relax.
I hear arguing and a commotion coming from downstairs. I chose to ignore it. It must be Bob arguing with a delivery driver or something, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Do not go in there Gaige!” I here yelled.
The bathroom door swings open and Gaige barrels in.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” I squeak, making sure all areas are covered by bubbles.
“I'm sick of the crap I'm getting because of you. People are giving me looks and phoning me up tell me what an ass I'm being.”
“You deserved that, boy!” Bob yells from outside.
“My life was simple! It was calm! Ever since you crashed into town it has been nothing but damn chaos!” Gaige yells, running his fingers through his dark hair.
“Well thank you for barging into my bathroom to tell me how I've ruined your life. Would you like me to announce when I next take a shower or go for a pee so you can do the same again? Maybe throw more insults at me while I'm indisposed?” I snap back. My once relaxed muscles start tensing up.
He sighs. He looks tired and stressed.
“I'm sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. This! This is what you're doing to me. You get me so riled up and angry. I can't handle it.”
“I’m sorry for making you feel that way but I'm pretty sure we were friends before, even if it was for a short while. You cut that, not me. I haven’t done anything to deserve the way you're treating me. Now please piss off. My bath water is getting cold and I want to get out without putting on a show.” I state.
“I’m sorry, we can never be friends.” He says before walking out and slamming the door behind him.
“Arsehole!” I shout after him.
I rub my chest, feeling hurt.
“Christ, I won’t have a heart left at this rate.” I murmur.