Page 25 of Tiers of Joy

“You swore at me so many times even the sailors would’ve been offended!” He defends.

“Good point. Let’s call it quits. Friends from here on out?” I hold my hand up for him to shake. Something flashes briefly across his eyes but he hides it before I can ask what it is. He smiles and shakes my hand.

“So Gaige, have you lived here your whole life?” I ask.

“No, I'm actually American. I moved over here when I was eighteen. Never looked back.” He smiles.

“Oh wow…so…” I'm interrupted by my phone ringing.

“Sorry, let me just get that.” I apologise.

I see it’s Sally on a video call and I quickly answer.

“Hey, I'm kinda busy right now. Can I call you back?” I ask, biting my thumbnail.

“Whoa, why you nervous? You're biting your thumbnail. Is someone there? Ooo is it tall, dark, and grumpy?” She asks.

I look to the sky and sigh. Gaige takes the phone from my hand.

“Hey. Tall, dark, and grumpy here.” He smiles.

“Holy mother of fucking Christ! Esme you didn’t say he was this hot! How do you do? I'm Esme’s better in every way friend Sally.” She says excitedly.

“I can see why you’re friends.” He smiles.

“Alright Sally, we’re eating dinner so I will call you later.” I say reaching for my phone.

“Okay, but god Esme! He is hot. I swear I nearly had an orga-” I cut her off and smile embarrassingly at Gaige.

“Sorry about that, she can get a little over excited.” I state.

“Yeah, I can tell.” He smirks.

We finish eating. We talk and laugh a lot. Gaige says he needs to get going so I walk him out.

I stand at my door. Gaige turns with his hands in his pockets and smiles.

“Thanks for the dinner. Maybe I can return the favour sometime.” He smiles.

I laugh.

“I look forward to it. Thanks Gaige. I really appreciate your help today.”

He learns forward and places a brief kiss on the top of my head and turns and leaves.

I close the door and smile. I’m so happy that I’ve made a friend.

Chapter Six

Over the next few weeks the shop and apartment are both in utter chaos. There are wires hanging out of the walls and ceiling, holes in the walls where rusted pipes were found, and some of the floorboards are missing. I have a temporary camping stove in the kitchen and my sofa has still got the plastic on. It seems like every time they’re fixing something they find a new problem. It’s becoming a little draining and taking a toll on the whole living my dream thing.

“You want to come to The Sunken Ship tonight for a bite and a drink?” Gaige asks.

“Is that a pub?” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s down by the waterfront. Figured you might want to eat something other than soup.” He gestures to my bin of empty cans.

“Oh god yeah, proper food. I was starting to worry that I’d forgotten how to chew.” I laugh.